Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania reviewed on PlayStation 5 by Sarah LeBouef. Narrated by Ryan McCaffrey. Also available on Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC …
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania reviewed on PlayStation 5 by Sarah LeBouef. Narrated by Ryan McCaffrey. Also available on Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC …
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And IGN continues to show why they're the butt of video game reviews
IGN: "tHis gAmE reqUirEs sKill aNd prOvIdes coNtenT eVen aFtEr nUmeRoUs houRs Of pLaYtiMe" 6/10
Proceeds to give Madden and COD 9/10
this review can do one
Does this have online?
Xbox reviewers shouldn't review these games
Friendly reminder that the guy speaking in the video did not write the review
How can you be so bad at those games and talk about difficulties…
IGN, please hire some real testers…
Please just shut up
Nah bro frick you this is exactly what we wanted how dare you make Ryan speak this slander
Sarah Lebouf needs to be fired
Delete this
jesus this is an awful review
so its amazing, perfect, and what we all wanted but ign hates fun? got it.
Ign special lol
It's really funny that games with challenge nowadays get lambasted by games journos while games the are like 90% cutscene get 10/10
Another example of video game journalists not knowing how to play video games
It's funny how an adult can't even play a kids game. This game is awesome don't listen to this reviewer. But those gullible people at Sega actually listen to the reviews
This hurts me. Not even just because it is a poor review but also because these are the reviews SEGA listens to
IGN once again proving its being run by literal neanderthal "gamers"
Sounds like the reviewer has a case of mad cuz bad
Funny to think that fortnite got a higher rating than banana mania
"This game has a lot of content! So this game is bad!!!1!"
Typical IGN moment.
Lazy Reviewer… sorry for Ryan narrating this…
2:09 and you’re saying the game is too hard? This footage is genuinely like a 6 month old playing it.
Another terrible IGN review, lol.
Sarah LeBoeuf shot my dog and spit in my sick grandmas face and called her worthless at my 10th birthday party and then farted on my ice cream cake
The poor guy narrating this review doesn't deserve it. It's those writers.
Go back to Pong and leave this game to folks who aren't dopey morons. Thanks
jesus christ
ign is simply bad at all games.
Typical IGN.
2:55 huh????
Looks like the upvote ratio did a 2:11
So the problems you have with this game is that it's the same as the original and it gets too hard for you. Oh, how ign has fallen.
IGN not every game needs to have journalism mode. Somethings you need challenge or else everything becomes boring.
ign when a game requires you using a portion of your brain in order to play
If they think this game is hard imagine if they played the originals
Can't beat a kids game :/
It’s reviews like this that make amateur YouTubers more qualified to be game reviewers than actual journalist.
this was a lazy review didn't review any of the accessibility options and just moaned that the game is 'too hard'… get better then
Anyone new to monkeyball would love this. Content on top of content. Gamers are their own worst enemy.
Smells like losers here
A pathetic attempt at a review.. how dare you say we should stick to the party game mode or skip it entirely.. excuse me???? Hardcore fans like myself love challenge unlike you and love the nostalgia to go along with it.. and theres ign giving deathloop a 10/10 haha LAUGHABLE.