I show you how to setup the Oculus Quest 2. I also show you what comes in the Oculus Quest 2 box with a brief unboxing and some tips and tricks I’ve learnt with …
I legit is now trying to get all A in grades, so my dad gets me anything But if A and B, my dad gets vr gear for me
So … I can download games and then play those games at a remote area that has zero internet or phone service?
I do
I have a question how do you set it up again because It was to complicated
I’ve saved up enough money to buy it, I’m getting it tomorrow
Avoid this company at all costs. they bricked the rift s and are reading users posts from the fourms in order to trouble shoot it. hundreds of people are having problems with it from broken cables out the box, to needing to install usb hubs interally while oculus reverses to do anything further. Mine stopped passing the sensor check and is just stuck with 3 loading dots while the home sound plays, i've done troublshooting from when i've woken up till i've slept for three days now without any results.
I'm getting one for CRISTMAS
POV: You're getting the headset for Christmas and you can't stop thinking about it
hey is there a way to do the pairing part without a phone and instead pair it with pc
Just got one today for my birthday. Definitely helped explain what I was experiencing with it, helped a lot appreciate it.
I have an oculus rift but no pc lmao I want the quest 2
Has anyone realized hes using jacksepticeyes old outro song?
How do you get the passthrough home
im just waiting till my birthday till i can buy one
Bro my mom said i buy your gift for christmas and when she go to wotk i just found the oculus quest 2 but i have to wait at christmas
Thank you for helping
Any god ray issue ?
Thank you for taking time out of your day to explain what to do & what to look for out of the box. I have been searching for an information video & here we are, you. Again thank you for demystifying everything.
First time I tried vr was at a vr arcade of sorts for my birthday, they had some sort of HTC there and a huge game library. You had to book your time before hand because there was only 3 headsets, well and a private room but that costed a lot more
I think by the end of the year if I save enough money ima just commit and buy it
God is real and God is love. We are created to love God, trust God, and glorify God no matter what. We can't truly love God unless we trust Him and if you can't find God it's because you are not looking for Him. God knows our hearts and will allow anyone to be deceived who wishes to be. What we call life is just a test an illusion to see who loves God and how much. Anyone who truly loves God will keep God first, keep His 10 commandments, love their neighbors as themselves and do their best not to sin. We all sin and have fallen short of the glory of God. This is why God sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins so that all those who believe in Him and do their best to live a life that is pleasing to God will not perish but have everlasting life. Heaven and hell exist and the things we say and do in this lifetime will testify for us or against us and determine where we spend eternity. I was born in a Christian home and went looking for The Truth because I could see lies and deception in religion and wanted to know why there are so many different beliefs and religions. God gives us choices but wants us to choose Him. God allowed satan and his demons to test my faith with a demonic attack while He taught me a lesson about patience, holding my peace, and trusting Him no matter what. The Bible is true and this world is a lie. Spiritual warfare is going on right now and demons are fallen angels that work thru all people tempting us to sin and trying to win souls because it hurts God. God has given me spiritual discernment wich is the ability to detect these spirits. God wants me to help wake up the walking dead. The walking dead are people who don't know God are what He expects from us. God wants us to love Him above everyone and everything. He also wants us to love everyone else like we love ourselves, to study His Word, and pray daily. Always remember our enemies are demons not the people they work thru. If we can't forgive others God won't forgive us on judgement day. God is love and love is the fulfillment of Gods law. This world rejects God because it is ruled by satan but God is always in control. God expects everyone who knows the truth to tell everyone who has been deceived. The only way to be saved from our sins is by repenting and excepting God 's only begotten son Jesus Christ because He paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross and rose again. Freedom is free and Jesus is the key. God is love and love is the fufillment of Gods law+++
I legit is now trying to get all A in grades, so my dad gets me anything
But if A and B, my dad gets vr gear for me
So … I can download games and then play those games at a remote area that has zero internet or phone service?
I do
I have a question how do you set it up again because It was to complicated
I’ve saved up enough money to buy it, I’m getting it tomorrow
Avoid this company at all costs. they bricked the rift s and are
reading users posts from the fourms in order to trouble shoot it.
hundreds of people are having problems with it from broken cables out
the box, to needing to install usb hubs interally while oculus reverses
to do anything further.
Mine stopped passing the sensor check and is
just stuck with 3 loading dots while the home sound plays, i've done
troublshooting from when i've woken up till i've slept for three days
now without any results.
I'm getting one for CRISTMAS
POV: You're getting the headset for Christmas and you can't stop thinking about it
hey is there a way to do the pairing part without a phone and instead pair it with pc
Just got one today for my birthday. Definitely helped explain what I was experiencing with it, helped a lot appreciate it.
I have an oculus rift but no pc lmao I want the quest 2
Has anyone realized hes using jacksepticeyes old outro song?
How do you get the passthrough home
im just waiting till my birthday till i can buy one
Bro my mom said i buy your gift for christmas and when she go to wotk i just found the oculus quest 2 but i have to wait at christmas
Thank you for helping
Any god ray issue ?
Thank you for taking time out of your day to explain what to do & what to look for out of the box. I have been searching for an information video & here we are, you. Again thank you for demystifying everything.
First time I tried vr was at a vr arcade of sorts for my birthday, they had some sort of HTC there and a huge game library. You had to book your time before hand because there was only 3 headsets, well and a private room but that costed a lot more
I think by the end of the year if I save enough money ima just commit and buy it
God is real and God is love. We are created to love God, trust God, and glorify God no matter what. We can't truly love God unless we trust Him and if you can't find God it's because you are not looking for Him. God knows our hearts and will allow anyone to be deceived who wishes to be. What we call life is just a test an illusion to see who loves God and how much. Anyone who truly loves God will keep God first, keep His 10 commandments, love their neighbors as themselves
and do their best not to sin. We all sin and have fallen short of the glory of God. This is why God sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ
to die on the cross for our sins so that all those who believe in Him and do their best to live a life that is pleasing to God will not perish but have everlasting life. Heaven and hell exist and the things we say and do in this lifetime will testify for us or against us and determine where we spend eternity. I was born in a Christian home and went looking for The Truth because I could see lies and deception in religion and wanted to know why there are so many different beliefs and religions. God gives us choices but wants us to choose Him.
God allowed satan and his demons to test my faith with a demonic attack while He taught me a lesson about patience, holding my peace, and trusting Him no matter what. The Bible is true and this world is a lie.
Spiritual warfare is going on right now and demons are fallen angels that work thru all people tempting us to sin and trying to win souls because it hurts God. God has given me spiritual discernment wich is the ability to detect these spirits. God wants me to help wake up the walking dead. The walking dead are people who don't know God are what He expects from us. God wants us to love Him above everyone and everything. He also wants us to love everyone else like we love ourselves, to study His Word, and pray daily. Always remember our enemies are demons not the people they work thru. If we can't forgive others God won't forgive us on judgement day. God is love and love is the fulfillment of Gods law. This world rejects God because it is ruled by satan but God is always in control. God expects everyone who knows the truth to tell everyone who has been deceived. The only way to be saved from our sins is by repenting and excepting God 's only begotten son Jesus Christ because He paid the price for all sin when He died on the cross and rose again.
Freedom is free and Jesus is the key. God is love and love is the fufillment of Gods law+++
How do you walk in vr?
What should I buy for my birthday?
I have a PS4
Does it come with its own games or do u have to buy it yourself
Are there no earphones provided?
a year later here just cause im waiting on my damn
mine just came yay
i just got mine and it’s my first. i’m SO excited!! thank you for this!! it helped so much.
How would u talk to freind through the oculus
i don't have enough money to buy one what do i do
after selecting language i get stuck at a turn off device screen with controllers not pairing
Thank you so much for this video I really appreciate it I will get me one this week so I can have fun and enjoy myself

Not me