Tales of Arise reviewed by Terence Wiggins on PlayStation 5. Narration by Mark Medina. Also available on PlayStation 4, Xbox, and PC. Bandai Namco has hit …
Tales of Arise reviewed by Terence Wiggins on PlayStation 5. Narration by Mark Medina. Also available on PlayStation 4, Xbox, and PC. Bandai Namco has hit …
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9 wow
Support japanese games. Those don't go woke.
Jrpgs are for braindead manchildren. Why even bother?
9/10 better than what gamespot did….. ??
Gamers should reward developers and publishers for charging us 60$ for a POLISHED game. Looking at you EA and CyberPunk….
Everyone ignores DLCs or they don't know anything about it. If you want to finish the game 100% and unlock all skill maps, you have to buy the ultimate version of the game. Outfit dlc doesn't just contain clothes
Fav Tales(so far)
My first Tales game and absolutely hooked. Loving it!
If any of you are debating getting this game DO. It is an amazing game!
Why the hell did you have so many spoilers in the review? Literally spoiled the first few hours of the game.
Say what you will about IGN, but they never forcibly push their reviews over the 10 minute mark with worthless fluff like so many other channels do. Props to IGN for that
There is pendamic and civil war going on in my country. People are dying left and right here and may be because of that this game is drawing my very own soul. 10/10
This game is really gonna make the series blow up. It's freaking awesome.
Amazing game. Made me feel like a kid again.
Not gonna lie after 50 hour an I'm just in the second act. OMG the game is THE BEST!
Remake Tales of Destiny 2 with this game engine. WOW! OMEGA DEMON CHAOS! – Reid
game spot review for this game 7.0 lol
Game 10/10! story line, gameplay and the graphic. So much to do. just too sick. Best anime rpg game.
3:41 dude is mashing so hard he hit the start button. Love to see it. That's a real vibe.
Well if this game is a success, maybe we see more jrpg games like this on console, and more importantly, more tales games
"Colonization", "Privilege", "Slavery". Are you sure this is what the game is about? Or is this just what you hope the game is about?
Still don't understand why Symphonia is held up as some sort of standard for this series. Honestly its kinda overrated and there are better tales of games out there aka Vesperia
Still waiting on the collectors but hope everyone else is enjoying it.
Recently moved outta my parents house but left the PS4 for them. Kinda bummed this isn’t on switch but at least Tales of Vesperia is like 80% off for me! Tales of Xillia was my first
Damn right it's an awesome game!!
20 hours in and the game is great
waited so long for this game as a tales series fan and finally the waited was worth it for me its 10/10
"Lipsyncing is just off"
How are you playing without subtitles? ??
Btw great review
Finally an RPG game that doesn't put me to sleep
There are many great games but they are not marketing properly
Awesome to have Medina narrate! Love this game!!!
Is there local co-op?
This is definitely the breakout game of the series. Won't be surprised if it wins any awards at TGA. Or an invite to Smash. Lmao
Bandai are killing it this year. First Scarlet Nexus. Now this. A score the game truly deserves!!!
Reminds me of genshin impact
repeat that title to yourself to realize how ridiculous it sounds
Grats to the reviewer who gave an honest review.