A team of 5 take on climbing K2 and battle against nature’s odds as they navigate their climb and ski routes using a drone. ▻ Watch the full story of how ski …
A team of 5 take on climbing K2 and battle against nature’s odds as they navigate their climb and ski routes using a drone. ▻ Watch the full story of how ski …
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Gotta wonder what Messner will say about drones assisting skiers top descend safely. The idea of sending provisions, medicine is outstanding and much safer than sending climbers or helicopters to complete the task.
How long it took to get down
Kim Jong/Disturb The Peace Justice Peace Texas /Kim Jong , Andrea Jeol Osteen,Kim Stwert
Red Bull And VAN /Central Tailban Enterprise
Need English captions please
Fastest descent from k2.. ?Outstanding
Red bull gives u wings ?
Endangered a lot of climbers, lucky he's not another of your companies death-toll numbers.
Should've never been allowed.
Drones can even fly in Mars atmosphere
Whose GPS satellites are they getting a signal from in Pakistan? Russian?
10 years from now people will be dragged to the top by drones XD
Wonderful ? ? u r a brave man
Technology makes us lazy, just like the remote control for the tv, but who wouldn't use it when being in danger above or under the dead zone for example? against mountaineering & climbing ethics, it is indeed, but you cannot stop it, we humans will take advantage of it whether you like it or not.
This guy is Polish
Pakistan government allowed this thing how is possible we just give 250 permits every year for climbing and here this guy skiing hard to believe
Чудове досягнення кооперації людини і технологій
Great video, amazing achievement. Too many talking heads in the video though.
K2 top pizza #1 please
K2 the beauty of Pakistan ??.
A guy decided to take a drone to the mountains… I mean… cool, I guess