Design and usability guru Dan Formosa returns to evaluate and improve upon 5 gadgets whose sole purpose is to help you quickly and effectively make a …
Design and usability guru Dan Formosa returns to evaluate and improve upon 5 gadgets whose sole purpose is to help you quickly and effectively make a …
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Check out the products Dan reviews in this episode:
Breakfast Sandwich Maker: https://amzn.to/3yMiE2F
Burger Holder: https://amzn.to/3tkkCX9
Condiment Ray Gun: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JVUOZQ0
Sandwich Cutter & Sealer: https://amzn.to/38Km5MH
Mayo Knife: https://amzn.to/38Km5MH
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Man this guy can EAT
Dan is my new favorite guy in YouTube
Grow up. I honestly don't get why so many people are against ketchup in hot dogs. It's some strange childish mentality.
I love this guy too
The condiment gun reminds me of the pb&j gun from meet the robinsons
I don't know if this comments been made. But the ketchup mustard gun is actually just the peanut butter and jelly gun from Meet the Robinson's.
maybe hold the condiment gun straight down then lul
Haven't finished the add but that is James may am I right.
"needs more mayo" sent me over the edge i love this man
“Needs more mayo!”

Ngl wasn’t that ketchup and mustard gadget in meet the Robinson’s
The truly magnificent love child of Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder.
If only he could team up with Roger from Cracked. They could burn this world and rebuild it, for the better.
I can't stand ketchup on hotdogs. Thank you saying that are opposed to it.
how much you eat? XD
I'd love to see him review some 'adult' toys.
The condiment raw gun reminded me the meet the robbers pb and j raw gun
The condiment raw gun reminded me the meet the robbers pd and j raw gun
Anyone else ever wonder if these products take his adive?
Why did he make his hands slippery?? Also why did he say he would make his dominant hand slippery but then proceed to rub the oil butter stuff with both hands.
If u put ketchup on a sandwich that isnt a burger or hotdog, I can't trust you
Of course you're opposed to ketchup on a hotdog, spicy ketchup is way better
I think I disagree on the burger holder. I can think of plenty of times I'd want to use it, as an ADHD sort that likes to read, use my phone, and maybe even have something that would help keep the burger from sliding apart.
The burger holder is mainly to reduce spillage of the contents while holding them
I think Burger holder is just to hold the burger, not to eat in it. Like ur at ur desk and a plate would take up a bit of space so instead, u use a burger holder to take up less space. I could be wrong
I can see the Condiment Ray Gun being used as a prop for cosplay conventions.
You can use an Ikea drinking glass to cut off the bread into circles
Had to eat 3 burgers(one of those extra oily) just to review one product!
i wonder if he knows exactly how hilarious he is. I use these vids when i want a good laugh. he is just so wholesome and loveable.
I'm watching Dan review a purpose-built mayonnaise knife as I'm using a large spoon to get mayo out of a jar and spread it on a sandwich
Bruhhh the condiment ray gun it's the peanut butter and jelly blaster from "meet the Robinsons" do a side by side
Please, don't give bread to the pidgeons or any birds D:
I love this!
Video: "5 Sandwich gadgets tested by design expert"
Thumbnail: Shows a Hotdog
Nice to see the Belizean Marie Sharp's Pepper Sauce being used here!!
You could- you could just eat the extra crust.
Man unsubscribed. Thought this show was hosted by throw funny old man. Lame. Too many different actors.
the real question is how much food did dan eat in this shoot. hes a bottomless pit.
Condiment ray gun reminded me of that kids pb and jelly gun invention from meet the robinsons
my wife helps me with the left handed oil test
He must be so hungry to eat this much food lol
Dude just ate everything and “rate”. lol
the breakfast sandwich and the sandwich sealer
i would get both for alot of reasons the breakfast sandwich you can make them on a saturday and make enough for the family
the sandwich sealer would be perfect for my cousins
He ate 2.5 burgers + how many sandwiches, I lost count lol
This man ate four breakfast sandwiches, three burgers, lots of sandwiches, and maybe two hotdogs. Matt Stonie better watch his back