Far Cry 5 is another wide-open playground with all the necessary ingredients for causing a real ruckus: loads of enemies and allies, temperamental wildlife, and …
Far Cry 5 is another wide-open playground with all the necessary ingredients for causing a real ruckus: loads of enemies and allies, temperamental wildlife, and …
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The best far cry ever made 10 / 10
Far Cry 5 is crap…no argument…a pile of shite…
Far cry 3 is still the best
4.5/10 not gta 5 ?
Who else is about to buy it? Damn this discount is insane
Kayano reeves
Far Cry is perfect, aside from the shitty realism and ballistics… No Gore, no realism..
Joseph Seed – Matthew McConaughey
Jacob Seed – Woody Harrelson
John Seed – Paul Rudd
Faith Seed – Lana Del Rey
Rook – Nick Jonas
2:13 My man got drugged so bad he transcended the map
hilarious action- a game about religious brainwashing
at the end of the day far cry 5 makes u feel like wonder women
8.9 wtf is that
Love this game so much.
Best soundtrack in a game EVER!
A Masterpiece.
fps boost anyone
perfect game for real gamers
Got this cheap using Stadia pro superb game got new dawn for 8quid as well
It was a boring game…
2nd worst in the series
"00:24" ? Your choice but only ???????.??? ?
'07:58' ? I would stick to MODNANA.???() ? that's where we get ours ?
"01:86" I've always got mine from ???????.???
"00:24" ? Why waste your time when only MODNANA.??? ? does it for everybody
"00:27" Why don't people use: ???????.??? ? instead of wasting their time here
'03:97' ? I would stick to ???????.??? ; ? that's where we get ours
'2:12' I've always got mine from ???????.??? …
"00:23" ? This is not 2017 man!! Now your best bet is Modnana.??m
"0:28"The only working one is Modnana.??m
My favorite far cry game. Should be even higher
"A powerful ending"
What an understatement.
i'm in love with this game
ın my opınıon best far cry game after far cry 3 im just saying
Can you create a character that looks like Joe exotic though? ???
that is probably the worst review I have seen not just for this one but for a video game in general
This game was extremely bad
I haven't looked through all the comments yet so I assume it has been mentioned before, but was he playing co-op with a die hard John Cena fan?
Is that a shotgun? And a scope?
This is my favorite farcry and I went platinum on it, I have over 1000 hours on it and never got bored, such an amazing game and love new dawns continuation, can’t wait for 6