Gimana soal tapering bang? Apakah tapering akan terjadi dan membuat crypto jatuh
ko makasih dr dulu utk selalu pasang Stop Loss, pas kemaren sdh buy BTC di 49k, eh pasgi sorrr untung saja sdh pasang Stop Loss, jadi cuan dikit sekalian serok bawah lagi di 48k … disiplin pasang stop loss byk manfaatnya 🙂
Biarkan pasar bergerak sesuai maunya,,,bingung menganalisa skr,,banyak meleset
Info tapering di undur ke akhir tahun 2021.????
Nyimak bang ?
<Awesome post ??I must say. Crypto is moving with little sign of stopping throughout the past few days and weeks, with movements reaching a clear impasse, the aggregated cryptocurrency market has been following in Bitcoin's lead and is struggling to garner any decisive momentum. One analyst is now noting that BTC has been holding above a key macro level throughout the past few months. He believes that the recent consolidation above this level bodes well for its near-term outlook and could indicate that significantly further upside is imminent in the weeks and months ahead. Tips like this are why it's advisable for investors and newbies to trade with the help of pro traders like Bernard Awan , who is a signal provider. I was able to make 7 BTC in just since July from implementing trades with tips and info from Bernard Awan.
Video sblumny Katanya akan ada koreksi dalam lg boz?
Siap2 awal September Super Bullish ?????
Pipa paralon. Hihi.
Aku tradingnya di xrp.tpi analisanya di btc.sekrang lg recovery dari lost.?
???terimakasih banyak buat bang hanzen yg udah mau ngucapin ultah buat anak saya semoga sehat dan sukses selalu bang
Bang matic nyangkut mending pindah ke coin lain atau tetap sabar hold ya? Mohon sarannya bang hanzen ???
Jangan lupa di ? like guys gratisss, supaya yg buat video lebih semangat nge share info dan ilmu nya ?
Bro gmn mnurut lu soal koin botx ?
Moon moon moon
tapering bang atiati
nyangkut di tko ☺️☺️☺️
sandbox mantab kali ah.
Gimana soal tapering bang? Apakah tapering akan terjadi dan membuat crypto jatuh
ko makasih dr dulu utk selalu pasang Stop Loss, pas kemaren sdh buy BTC di 49k, eh pasgi sorrr untung saja sdh pasang Stop Loss, jadi cuan dikit sekalian serok bawah lagi di 48k … disiplin pasang stop loss byk manfaatnya 🙂
Biarkan pasar bergerak sesuai maunya,,,bingung menganalisa skr,,banyak meleset
Info tapering di undur ke akhir tahun 2021.????
Nyimak bang ?
<Awesome post ??I must say. Crypto is moving with little sign of stopping throughout the past few days and weeks, with movements reaching a clear impasse, the aggregated cryptocurrency market has been following in Bitcoin's lead and is struggling to garner any decisive momentum. One analyst is now noting that BTC has been holding above a key macro level throughout the past few months. He believes that the recent consolidation above this level bodes well for its near-term outlook and could indicate that significantly further upside is imminent in the weeks and months ahead. Tips like this are why it's advisable for investors and newbies to trade with the help of pro traders like Bernard Awan , who is a signal provider. I was able to make 7 BTC in just since July from implementing trades with tips and info from Bernard Awan.
Video sblumny Katanya akan ada koreksi dalam lg boz?
Siap2 awal September Super Bullish ?????
Pipa paralon. Hihi.
Aku tradingnya di xrp.tpi analisanya di btc.sekrang lg recovery dari lost.?
???terimakasih banyak buat bang hanzen yg udah mau ngucapin ultah buat anak saya semoga sehat dan sukses selalu bang
Bang matic nyangkut mending pindah ke coin lain atau tetap sabar hold ya? Mohon sarannya bang hanzen ???
Jangan lupa di ? like guys gratisss, supaya yg buat video lebih semangat nge share info dan ilmu nya ?
Matic mau event malah boncos
Sideways dulu September
September semoga bulannya serok ?
Bali hadir donk … siap Hodl ?
Makasih infonya sobat ku hanzen ??
Letss go to the bone
Nice bang
Kalau orang panik gak pantas main ….ada kata dump aja tetap sabar holl aja.dr pada duit simpan di bank gak ada hasil…
Salam dari makassar bg. Yg dri mksr. Buat grub telegram atau wa. Bisa yok bisa..
Siap,selalu d tunggu infonya ko ,makasih ?
kak hansen
Let's go… ???? Manado hadir kabar baik GBU ALL…
go go go
Simak langsung
Thanks ko