Expensive cars, watches and large houses are the usual indicators of a rich person, but it is the luxury of flying and especially owning a private jet that could be considered the pinnacle of financial success in the modern world.
For those of you who have their goals set on becoming billionaires and those of us who simply enjoy watching marvels of modern aviation, today we will be reviewing the newest as well as the best business jet models with the most impressive performance characteristics and interior designs.
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List of all aircraft that were featured in this #ATAircraft release;
Gulfstream G700: gulfstream.com/aircraft/gulfstream-g700
After 14,000 hours of indoor tests, five experimental units, and cumulative efforts of nearly 13 thousand employees around the world, the Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation unveiled its new flagship private jet, 2020 Gulfstream G700.
Cessna Citation Longitude: cessna.txtav.com/en/citation/longitude
After 4,050 hours of test flights, the Longitude has achieved Type Certification by the Federal Aviation Administration and entered the Citation lineup as the new super-midsize flagship of the Textron Aviation.
Honda Jet Elite: hondanews.eu/gb/en/corporate/sitesection/hondajet
The first Honda Jet has been introduced in 2015, but since 2018, it is also available in a new Elite modification that increases the original range by 214 nautical miles to 1437, gets improved avionics, more aerodynamic main wing airfoil and fuselage nose design.
Falcon 8X: dassaultfalcon.com/en/Aircraft/Models/8X/pages/overview.aspx
2019 Falcon 8X is advertised as a flagship aircraft from the French manufacturer Dassault Aviation, that is based on the 7X model, with a reworked wing architecture, a 3.5-feet longer cabin, 500-pounds higher payload capacity, and more efficient engines.
Bombardier Global Line 5500/6500/7500: businessaircraft.bombardier.com/en
Canada’s Bombardier is launching the longer-range variants of the aircraft in their Global line, namely 5500, 6500 and 7500 models. The jets are expected to have 13% better fuel burn resulting in range of 5,700, 6,600 and 7,700 nautical miles respectively.
Embraer Lineage 1000e: executive.embraer.com/global/en/lineage-1000e
Available for private ownership, the Embraer 1000e aircraft from the Lineage series is an ultra large corporate jet that needs to be operated by 2 crew members, and depending on the chosen configuration, accommodates from 13 to 19 passengers.
Cessna Citation Sovereign+: cessna.txtav.com/en/citation/sovereign
Being a member of the Citation family, the Cessna Sovereign shares all of the advantages with the sibling aircraft like the ease of operation, low maintenance costs and unmatched dispatch reliability.
Gulfstream G600: gulfstreamnews.com/multimedia
Gulfstream G600 received both its type and production certificates from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration in summer 2019, which means that the company is ready to deliver this business jet to customers for as little as $58 million.
Falcon 6X: dassaultfalcon.com/en/Aircraft/Models/6X/Pages/overview.aspx
Falcon 6X is an upcoming business jet by Dassault that is already under construction. Its test flight is expected to take place sometimes in 2021.
Boeing BBJ 777 Max: boeing.com/commercial/bbj/#/videos/bbj-777-interior-concept
Until the Boeing Business Jet MAX models remain grounded, the BBJ 777 will remain the flagship within the corporate jets lineup of the American behemoth. This aircraft is offered in two variations BBJ777-8 and 777-9.
Airbus ACJ320neo: airbus.com/en/exclusive-products/acj320neo.html
Since Boeing is in a big trouble with their new generation MAX aircraft, the Airbus 320neo family will inevitably become a single option best-seller on the market. Their ACJ line benefits from the widest and tallest in the class cabin and two of the industry’s latest-generation engines.
Top 10 most expensive private jets in the world https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWP88dImAvR1hvQ_R5aa6gg
Top 10 most expensive private jets in the world
ill buy Honda its reasonable price
Not sure if your remark about private jets being bad for the environment was meant to be '….tongue in cheek…… or '……politically correct……..'
What ever it was it was unnecessary…….and obviously a nonsense, in what otherwise was an interesting video.
If private jets are bad for the environment then all jets are…….!
If all private cars are bad for the environment then all cars are…….!
If private covered wagons are bad for the environment then all covered wagons are…….!
If private sedan chairs are bad for the environment then all sedan chairs are……..!
If only we could go back in time and prevent the person who invented the wheel from doing so……!
Then we would all be able to stay in our caves, and food would not need to be transported.
……and holidays and visiting friends would never happen..
All because we are taken in by the Climate Change Fools ….and the politicians in thrall to them……
Madness beyond belief………!
James Hennighan
Yorkshire, England
"As little as 58 million dollars" ??????
Nice videos this is Charlie xxx
If my crypto portfolio does as expected I will look you up and give you a flight to destination island of choice for a vacation
Assalamualaikum WarohmatuAllohi Wabarokatu Automotive Territory Kita Semuanya*Keren#
I couldn't understand WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS SAYING! Whether it was a computer generated voice or just someone who didn't speak English clearly, SOMEBODY needs to work on the narration!
Airbus and Boeing are private planes not private jets
What about the best so-called LEARJET????
I hope that the charter and private flight companies are upgrading to these. Ahhh, to fly to my destinations in style and luxury.
Sssssss SSSSSSSS sssssssss.
I like the Honda Jet. Not near as expensive as the rest and still really nice.
0:43 "Range 3500NM(6,48km)"… there´s nothing more convincing than aviation channels that get their numbers right.
btw. Unlike the new Global 5500/6500 which indeed are equipted with Rolls Royce Peral-15 engines, the Global 7500 uses GE Passport. And in fact it was not the Global-Development that nearly sent Bombardier bankrupt in 2016 but the development of the C-Series. The BusJet-Line (Global,Learjet,etc.) has always been Bombardiers aviation cash cows – that´s why today they´re focused on their Global-lineup only.
….well, just wonder how intense your research on the topic was….aside from how much what plane might cost
Love this content
I could not imagine having a Boeing 777 as my private jet. You could live on that! ????
Nice looking little bird
Embraer the best
I think the data is not very exact. A falcon 8x should not be limited to 41000 feet. I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure it flies at least at 49000 feet.
Me here in economy class with a baby screaming
Most Excellent…
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Buat. Lah lagi, zet yg mewah. Tapi keren.
Om, boleh dicicil?
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The Embraer Lineage is a joke. A massive aircraft that still only seats a maximum of 19 passengers, has pathetic range and performance too. That's what happens when you try and turn a small airliner into a business jet.
A320 beats everything in scfi look interior and usability a bbj beats by price and luxury for someone who doesnt ask abut price but in market orders fall kind a was theme now is everything to expensive and orders fall like from a tree including airbus and boeing to time for new stuff and resumble production in expectation to pass stabily ower in 5-6 years and tody even french dont want to see as boeing as alomost entire year grounded which is alot in industry figures.. So buying airplanes is more kind a need or suport buisness other cost free expense from yearls including fuel for boats and thats goes easier kind.. expecting more flying in boiler in space and missions to mars since airplane industry is kind avoried about this bit future goals are set 2035 to gas turbine easy in developing most likely you get full production and go normaly in 100% production atleast that and vaiting for ever fairytail secret lobing for superjet which not even allowed to fly is like daydream aeroplane industry so they ended daydreaming 1 year out off production only airbus has tactical % as anoucing like 2020 300 millions € as per research and inovation and in 2021 600 million € pre research as enough for reservation and over boeing goals lux goals as stabile research and inovation and this move has practical as careful palning gives like pop out design in even later phase like 2035 and lsight extense blended models could do vector flying and be combo pac purpose and scfi fiight as corvette drive tech and fuel emission savigns easy and in result is boeg left speachless in 5-6 year and has to some project renews on its fleet to as airbuis did it quitls and losing a lot on mockup schemes and chinse whistle themes and us know how but dont want as in use porductionmaking money and pays heavy loss as expensive porjects and late in remodeling same sutff like in car industry deals and in economy boeing and airbus woudl get big market grasp as today boeing kind tends to easy do good jobs and speed in production a classic us ecomony since is to big always left on ego and big deals in return for budget, airbur suffer a lot and get sinked by oil price and UE on costs for maintaince and sligh bough late on vtool possibilties actualy opening a lot liek platform based insutrial assembly like in car industry to skip cost and go direct on costs research and inovation stuff and airbus cerfuly pooling saftey plug rule in prodcutions as know how so in long terms some passnger purpose cahnge and flight mor accessisable and kind more eocmony fuel eficiency forced as arab oil pressure adn economy growth as unstabile demands and wildcard ace make billiners even richer a classic economy deal in US $ curency except the others are used too like space X and amazon and get easy control of funds and chinese pumping up actuayl neededing all that in airpalen industry as world no 1 market for car industry and airplanes growth need all that including politics which is lousy in next 15 – 20years to satisfy economy and stabile inflations on ecomony and trade and tax reform stabile packs goals! so vtool quads are kind hoax a chinese expensive toy to show off and kind left by germans who are in long term quiet but pass to easy on this in 5-6 year turnover but now is pilgrim efect off sky high budget a rather solid finance cake for eachcountry in EU at nice or comfortable stake which loan in production in 90 werre lousy and more better in 2000 functinal and with trends to get waterd or washed on carelesness china and odest stupidity as low loans repsonisibility any way to draw line in industry is all production per peice and tech play its role, and today users in fliyng are skilled to, and also mcuh more poeple travel airplanes then 15-20 year before, so goals get mixed a kind dispearse as tech plays a role and stability in porduction and kind stabile futre as 30% from year budget reserved for research and inovation so no new big ideas only know how and stabile prodcution and colecting money in idnustry and big industry rolers in money which today and even before never liek to adapt in process and stil offering its big ways as assemby process a stand still process.. not even worth off comenthing
Invest 25 cents per person and give the futures payout to the people based on growth.
Так это самолет с несколькими комплектациями, которые можно выбрать при покупке самолета. Очень даже не дурно для перелетов в другие страны.
What happened to Learjet?
The one thing that I missed the most is being around private aircraft’s. I worked as a line service technician for 10 years and it’s 14 years I haven’t been around these beautiful aircraft and the people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting was priceless. Thank You
The voice speaking is difficult to understand. I suggest you check the volume/clarity before posting. tx.