The first 1000 people who click the link will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: https://skl.sh/laymengaming6 Lamon Gamon!! EX- IGN employee and fellow …
The first 1000 people who click the link will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: https://skl.sh/laymengaming6 Lamon Gamon!! EX- IGN employee and fellow …
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The first 1000 people who click the link will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: https://skl.sh/laymengaming6
For me doom eternal for me is one step forward in game play (aside from the marauders) and two steps back in story and aesthetics
10 outta 10 is perfect is 100% not the best u can be u can't be 110%
Here's some free hotels rooms and free trips to outta country all expenses payed to review our game ….. bad review we never invite u back
How can you think that the publications are more honest than YouTubers?
You guys
Yong Yea
Angry Joe
Pretty Good Gaming
Jim Sterling
That's just off the top of my head.
If none of these guys and more weren't doing their thing we'd still have ridiculous micros in a lot more games etc.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla is awful but I keep seeing sites give it 8/10
If you go to IGN for good journalism then have a word with yourself
If IGN wasn’t paid, then they are just plain stupid for making bad reviews.
Hmm not to start any conspiracies, we can look at this from a different angle, if I were a publisher pumping a shit load of money into ads on IGN and Others for our games for several years and then IGN review bombed a game on release that we invested heavily on ads would 'I' the publisher continue to pump so much money into future ads or give it to someone else and run the bare minimum ads on IGN? Just a thought….
What up.
She's like a female version of you guys, y'all should definitely some vids with her
so cant see anyone saying how funny that ad is.. now i shall sign up to skill share lol
There was no way TLOU-2 was a 10/10 game. There was nothing revolutionary about that game and actually was way worse than the first one. The gameplay was interesting but everything gets repetitive after a few couple of hours and the story is cringing as fuck. Not to mention, how boring Elle and Abby are.
It's amazing that it took up until 2020 to realize these crooked companies are crooked. Bravo. Curtain wasn't even there you were blind.
"Ex-IGN Shill Tries to Defend an Industry of Degenerates as if Gamers Don't Remember Gamergate"
Better title.
This comment section is like when a flat earther is shown proof of a round earth and they keep saying it's flat.
I’m 27 and have been playing games since I was about 4. I can tell you a 10/10 is very rare for me to give a game, and even some of my favorite games can’t get it because there is something in it that knocks it down if even to a 9.5/10. I like using Bloodborne as an example, which this is purely my opinion but I think the game woulda easily been 10/10 material if it weren’t for the lazy visceral attack system aka parry. The game emphasizes on the trick weapons as these powerful and intricate tools for slaying beasts, and although The Hunter has beast blood and is perfectly capable of the visceral attack which is basically your arm turning into a beast arm and ripping at the enemy once they are open for the attack. It’s cool and brutal but it’s lazy and a missed opportunity I think, which hunters grow attached to their weapons and use much resources to reinforce them so it sucks when you parry your beloved weapon magically vanishes and a beast arm appears for ALL the enemies. Even really unique parry attacks with each weapon would have been enough reason to use certain weapon and look forward to its unique parry animation and even variation in damage like how daggers had huge parry/backstab damage in Dark Souls games. I know people and reviewers overlook these sorta things, but you gotta give credit and criticism where it’s due even for stuff we love. ?
Hey guys, I have a question. Don’t you know if you are able to say anything. But it definitely does sound like a partly corrupted industry. I would like to know your opinion on a favorite reviewer and YouTube for gaming of mine. His name is jorraptor. Have you guys heard or know anything about him?
CBS Gamespot Jeff Gerstmann Kane and Lynch. To say it doesn't happen is just sticking heads in sand.
Saying publishers will not cut off content creators from getting early review copies if they regularly give those games bad reviews is just bs imo. I think there's been too many examples of the opposite being true for that statement to actually hold up.
I just hear a lot of excuses, IGN has given a lot of really shitty games very questionably high scores.
So I am late on this but, to the point of Alanna talking about journalists writing reviews for their peers. I think what's more accurate to say, is games journalists write reviews from the "artiste enthusiast perspective" the "games are art" perspective. And I one hundred percent agree with her. Average players don't give a crap about any of that by and large. They want to know will I like it? Well I enjoy it? Will I feel that I used time that I will never get back appropriately playing it? To quote you, they want Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay movies.
I guess the best way to give a game a review is to have the score a standard acceptable criteria; game mechanics, storytelling, game continuation, just to name few, so we can all have a standard guidelines on where to scale things.
She is shilling for the shills. Never seen this before. someone must have 'spoken' to her
Call of duty black vs white : IGN 10/10 NEW AND REFRESHING TAKE ON CALL OF DUTY
Apparently the 1-10 scale is systemic bigotry. The new scale goes up to fabulous.
"Pulls Back Curtain" lmao
She's not even defending the game sites, she just wanted to clear things out
If you need free review copies, you do your job wrong.
How high cyberpunk's hype as to be for gamers to notice something?
The main issue I had with TLOU II was the fact that Sony messaged reviewers for not agreeing with them as well as censorship for the leaks, I'm sorry but they should grow up, if people don't like your product create something that we can all enjoy next time, but first accept the criticism
"pulls back curtain" AKA just makes excuses for her cronies. To be fair she probably had to sign an NDA with ign in order to stay in the industry.
Wait… Crackdown 3 came out?
As for paid reviews, I only have to think back to the days of Driver 3 when two certain UK publications got "exclusive" reviews ahead of other publications, both of who gave the game 9/10 or similar, to know that bribes can happen and they supposedly gave that score based on promises that the issues would be fixed rather than on the code they actually played! Bribes do not have to be in the form of actual money, they can be threats to cut advertising (or increase advertising in exchange for good reviews) or not get future game code to review, things like that which the sites rely on to keep going. I think you would have to be naïve to think otherwise. Not saying there aren't honest reviews out there but the larger the corporation publishing them then the more dodgy/untrustworthy they are likely to be (e.g. GameSpot and IGN) as they have shareholders they have to please.
Yeah, Alanah's take hasn't aged well at all.
Ok, I want to advise all publishers that as nobody gets money to give good reviews I am available to open a review company, please contact me privately (cash only, small notes)
Paid reviews are or, at least, were a reality.
Look at what happened years ago with Gamespot and Kane & Lynch.