iOS 8 is here, with a host of features both small and large. Here’s what you need to know about Apple’s latest mobile Os, and when you can get you hands on it.
iOS 8 is here, with a host of features both small and large. Here’s what you need to know about Apple’s latest mobile Os, and when you can get you hands on it.
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iOS 8 a total disappointment.
Im tired of apple cutting off the old phones first the 1 then 2 then 3gs and now iphone 4 witch is one of the most used iphones they have maid
For iPad mini?
I have the iPhone 4s and it says I need 4.5 gb to install but I only have 3.3 what do I do
Awesome when is it coming out
suppose 2 come out at 1pm easterrn time and 10 am west time
No u can't update iPhone 4 , only 4s and older
Guys i have an Ipone 4 can i update it to ?
what time is it coming out at haha
so tm is the release but btw will my ipod 5 restore itself if i update it?
Tomorrow's the big day! I hope the emoji rumors are true.
I have the ios 8 gm
But it still has some bugs.
Apple received many bad comments about the Iphone 6 etc.
Looks like they will improve it more and later release it.
When does it come out
I can't wait to jailbreak it!!!????
Some people need to think. It is for the iPhone 4s. U can figure the rest from there
Ipod 5?
Ios8 got released today the design ain't different but the feature are upgraded
thats why apple make more money than android…
Ios 8 comes out on the 10 or the 9th
Why Apple don't add multiwindow
Why do people expect the software design to have drastic changes. It took 6 ios's to make major tweaks and edits to the interface
Will this be for ipod 5 32 gb
Does it support iphone 4???
It's supports iPhone 5s right?
I think that iPad 6 and iPhone 6
Is this for iPhone 5c?
What is swift key?
Where do all these butt hurt android users come from? If android is sooo good look at your own updated feature videos jeez
Will this come out with the iPhone 6
I don't see anything new, these are just updates and fixes and improvements of all the already exsiting apps. Apple is just milking it now. I used to be an apple fan but I think its time to go Android …
Is ios 8 for ipod 5 too?
When does this come out? And can you download it on iPhone 4s?
Releasing date ?