Great PC VR, PSVR 2, PSVR, Quest 2 & Quest Games Coming Soon! | VR SHOWCASE EPISODE 2

Great PC VR, PSVR 2, PSVR, Quest 2 & Quest Games Coming Soon! | VR SHOWCASE EPISODE 2

VR GAMES SHOWCASE Welcome to my weekly show where im looking at all the upcoming Virtual Reality games (PlayStation VR, PlayStation VR 2 – NGVR, …


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About the Author: Polish Paul VR


  1. I’m most looking forward to SAMURAI SLAUGHTERHOUSE. Although it might seem at a glance as simpler graphics because it’s B&W, the forms, animations, and textures all are quite complicated — more so than most games. I suspect that they’ve managed a graphical coup by only rendering the extreme highlights and shadow. I think it might blow people’s socks off when they’re finally in it.

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