I play Jurassic World Aftermath on the Oculus Quest 2. Jurassic World Aftermath is a surprise release for the end of the year exclusive to both Oculus Quest and …
I just got this game today and I played it for a bit and I was so terrified that when my Mum came to hug me I screamed so loud
Veggiesaur= herbivore
I dont know how he could mess that up so much
Mike: I want my channel swear free
Mia: im bout to end this mans whole career
Him: his eyesight is based on movement
Me, a Dinosaur geek: well ACTUALLY
The Story Continues
This whole ‘DLC Split’ system as a call it is freaking stupid. So sad that Oculus, no my bad FACEBOOK, has to ruin such cool games with greedy tactics like this. You might as well add a battle pass and mobile style energy system while you are at it. I liked the video though : )
OMG this guy is annoying
They shall now ONLY be called Bronkasaurs.
I hope for the doc that it's not a seperate app like Vader immortal. I hope it's all on one app
I feel retarded cause i’m 2 hours in and just hit the halfway mark evidently
The car the car the car cool cool cool
him. A veggiesaur and a ducky!
Seems fun but I don't like the cartoonish theme. Much better if was closer to reality.
teleport controls?
This is akin to something like alien isolation
Hi Mike love your vids, inspired me to do something similar myself. just wanted to know wht setup you have regarding what you have on your headset if possible could you link me where to get the required to do youtube like yourself.
The only thing about this game that bothers are are the graphics. Sometimes it looks nice but other times it feels unfinished or just unpolished. Like they were going for a Borderlands like kind of feel but just needed a bit more time.
What happened to the textures ? Are they gone?
It’s a diploduculus!
An unfinished paid game exclusive to the privacy-invading Facebook console? Yeah, that's a no from me, dawg,
I love when he screames
Why does mike wear brown pants?
So no one can see the big turd mike shat playing a game
I have an Oculus GO but I don't have a controller, do you know how to set it up without a controller?
"I'll send a little fax for help" Hmm what can go wrong?
Oasis caught venting
That's a brachiosaurus
You look like a Mike lol
"half the game" "3 hours to play through" "24.99" by your powers combined… I… AM… NOT PURCHASING THIS GAME!!!
Only HALF the game WTF
This made me laugh so much
I got sick bec I could not teleport
I just got this game today and I played it for a bit and I was so terrified that when my Mum came to hug me I screamed so loud
Veggiesaur= herbivore
I dont know how he could mess that up so much
Mike: I want my channel swear free
Mia: im bout to end this mans whole career
Him: his eyesight is based on movement
Me, a Dinosaur geek: well ACTUALLY
The Story Continues
This whole ‘DLC Split’ system as a call it is freaking stupid. So sad that Oculus, no my bad FACEBOOK, has to ruin such cool games with greedy tactics like this. You might as well add a battle pass and mobile style energy system while you are at it. I liked the video though : )
OMG this guy is annoying
They shall now ONLY be called Bronkasaurs.
I hope for the doc that it's not a seperate app like Vader immortal. I hope it's all on one app
I feel retarded cause i’m 2 hours in and just hit the halfway mark evidently
The car the car the car cool cool cool
him. A veggiesaur and a ducky!
Seems fun but I don't like the cartoonish theme. Much better if was closer to reality.
teleport controls?
This is akin to something like alien isolation
Hi Mike love your vids, inspired me to do something similar myself. just wanted to know wht setup you have regarding what you have on your headset if possible could you link me where to get the required to do youtube like yourself.
The only thing about this game that bothers are are the graphics. Sometimes it looks nice but other times it feels unfinished or just unpolished. Like they were going for a Borderlands like kind of feel but just needed a bit more time.
What happened to the textures ? Are they gone?
It’s a diploduculus!
An unfinished paid game exclusive to the privacy-invading Facebook console? Yeah, that's a no from me, dawg,
I love when he screames
Why does mike wear brown pants?
So no one can see the big turd mike shat playing a game
I have an Oculus GO but I don't have a controller, do you know how to set it up without a controller?
"I'll send a little fax for help"
Hmm what can go wrong?
Oasis caught venting
That's a brachiosaurus
You look like a Mike lol
"half the game" "3 hours to play through" "24.99" by your powers combined… I… AM… NOT PURCHASING THIS GAME!!!