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About the Author: IGN


  1. I can agree on Spider-Man 2 being the GOAT whileultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man PS4 being in 8 ish… But how can you justify web of shadows being that low…

  2. why all love marvel spider man this game is normal not like web of shadows and the amazing spider man 1 owsome one of you tell me why ? but i know why for the game coming from insomiac games why people are love that WHY ??!!!!

  3. I remember playing the amazing spiderman on the Xbox 360 and web of shadows on the Wii, I know it’s my nostalgia but I honestly think they both deserve much higher scores

  4. Oh we are IGN and we refuse to rate Spider-man PS4 a 9/10 because we care about accuracy and authenticity in our work therefore it's actually 8.73845875821678186

  5. How could web of shadows on the ds get a higher score than the console version? And edge of time was amazing! What the hell is wrong with you?!

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