Genius Inventions And Gadgets You’ve NEVER Seen Before! Leave a Like if you enjoyed these DIY ideas and inventions! Watch …
Genius Inventions And Gadgets You’ve NEVER Seen Before! Leave a Like if you enjoyed these DIY ideas and inventions! Watch …
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My da has that last gadget
There is a 300$ light saber which u can acc walk thru
ZDo you have room tour
Man my dads that lightsaber was 250+ dollars and it has sounds too!
The thiccs assembled to protect this man’s car
Tell me you’re crazy without telling me you’re crazy me.. be like The problem with me is I don’t like chocolate so I told you I am crazy and true fact this is true

8:31 … think about that wolf
Curse you genetics that makes me allergic to my favorite food
The phone is so cool
I wish I had all of those phone cases
The egg pumper thing Is Called a Mr Whipster. I have a mini and a large one.
You are my best you tuber
I have to say the black eggs pairs good with some foods
white egges black eggs haha your fi=unny
Raise your hand if you saw a run away car and a bunch of cops

Know what you knew about it so that you could get out there to take a picture and then I will send it to the
I need the invisible phone so if my parents take it i will say to them it just a case
She's beautiful she's kind she probably gives you butterflies I hope your happy
My favorite song
I know I literally just watched it lol
I love your VIdEos!

“ShE iS bEaUtIfUl, ShE lOoKs KiNd, ShE pRoBaBlY gIvEs YoU bUtTeRfLiEs” that’s the song from Olivia Rodrigo the name of the song is Happier
Semi automatic egg beater were you have to pump it
But we have an egg beater that all you have to do is hold it and boom
Me buying pepper spray putting it into a candy spray bottle that is cut and sealed then attaching it to my phone case and attached with removable double sided tape. Perfection!!
The egg mixture you can find it everywhere
My parents had the first one but it doesn't really work anymore
"just think of the things you could measure"
Me:yeah but probably don't give that to a curious boy
I did fishy bowl
Where do you get the custom lightsaber? I want it
aple tag cool yes, but then u realise they could be tracking you too
I have that hand blending thingy
I play cookie run kingdom do u play it to?
5:17 there ganna know
SSSniperWolf:think of how many things you can mesure
Me:computer cracks
it is confirm that sssniperwolf listens to heartbreak music of olivia rodrigo
A sssniperwolf these inventions should actually exist
I hope you make more of this series
8:03 bruh tats just a old fridge and she calls it technology
Do you know anything about Allison day she is the queen of TikTok
The first one vid I have them in my house all the sinks
Uh, can I have that light?! I need it
Sniper wolf imagine things that you can measure: me

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