Ashen reviewed by Steven Petite on PC. Also available on Xbox One. Dark Souls Remastered for Switch Review: …
Ashen reviewed by Steven Petite on PC. Also available on Xbox One. Dark Souls Remastered for Switch Review: …
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Not for me, uninstalled after 30 minutes.
Light Souls
Who else is tired of hearing "souls game"?
It bothers me how no one has a face
Why most xbox exclusive all look cartoonish?
Surprisingly he only said the words “Dark Souls” 7 times.
lol what's with the player's size 1 feet though?
Open world + dark souls gameplay and gimmicks = turn off
I believe Ashen is essentially a great game inspired by Dark Souls, but it's a shame more people would see it that way instead of a "clone"
Ah the classic sub-genre of "Dark Souls"
why is the gameplay footage so dark in this video? i cant see anything or tell whats going on even with my phone brightness maxed out.
this game is a dark souls clone, but it's satisfying in it's own way. As a souls series fan, I definitely enjoyed this game
15,97€ on ps store now
Thank you for spoiling me the number of bosses ?
I have to say the game is absolutely amazing. I felt a very deep connection with it since the first moment, just like when I was young and games could still surprise me. The sense of adventure and the desire to discover every corner of its world is something I don't experience too often with games nowadays and I ended up completing all secondary quests and enjoying every single moment.
Ashen is probably one of the best games I've ever played.
not a fan of this game
Before he was done, iwas saying to my inner self: Hes gona give it an 8.5 … ?
I'm sick and tired of these damn DS clones they're SOOOOOO BORIIIIING!!!!!!! They need to make more games like DMC, Darksiders, Bayonetta, GoW, and Nier Automata. I can't wait for DMC SE, Nier Replicant, Babylon's Fall, and possibly GodFall.
I remember seeing videos of this game forever ago, never knew it had been released. Its on sale on PlayStation right now. Gotta get it
Il try it
I'm here After ashens
I honestly thought this was absolver 2 when i first saw it…
I am so incredibly dissapointed
But seriously, why the tiny feet?
The video's length is 4:20, when you smoke weed you get ashes, the game's title is called Ashen. Well, I made my conclusion.
I'll definitely pass
The problem with this game is very short, only 20 hours !!!
I don't understand this obsession with soulsbornes games like the stamina bar just stifles gameplay it's so annoying the only fromsoft game I like is sekiro cuz it doesn't have a stamina bar we need more games like DMC/GodofWar/Bayonetta/Darksiders I don't want hack and slash games to go extinct
I think there were a few too many mentions of Ashen in this fond reminiscence about Dark Souls
I think there were a few too many mentions of Ashen in this fond reminiscence about Dark Souls
Pam holds up two pictures:
One is Ashen and one is Dark Souls
“Corporate has asked you to identify the difference in these pictures.”
This is an Excellent Game! – Chef Excellence
An 8.5????
So going by this logic the original dark souls must be a 15/10.
What a joke.
It looks like absolver mixed with darksouls
I want a survival game but with this art style
link to buy the game https://store.epicgames.com/biff/ashen
It feels like Dark Souls
dark soul… dark soul… dark soul…
Are thou done?
Not even TEN seconds in the video and Dark Souls already mentioned. Not even gonna bother to watch the rest of it.
it's fortnite souls! (artstyle reminds me a lot of fortnite, so this was my forst thought.) xD
Not very comprehensive…This video makes an adequate (at best, and albeit suspiciously positive-only) review of what the game is about and what it might be like. It leaves me wanting for additional information. All reviews should weigh the positives and the negatives together and from little was covered in this video I wonder why it's not rated 10/10. It's not that 8.5 is bad by any stretch, but since no cons were mentioned and the review was largely just a comparison to Dark Souls I have a difficult time understanding what the game is like. Too short, and too vague.
So it is for pc now?
I'm sick! Sick! Sick of all the "Souls" copycats. Enough is enough already!
Is this a review or a resume of the game locations? ?
Im really loving that Souls Like has become its own genre mostly because it means people can take it and do wonderfully interesting things with it like this, but also because people have mostly stopped complaining that a game is "ripping off" dark souls