All of the different types of smart home products —wifi lights, thermostats and Surveillance cameras,smart doorbell ,to name a few — smart door locks are among …
Hello, does any of those products has a relay in or any way to unlock by rest service ? So I can open it from other device , is posible ?
1:15 for one sec I thought that Charlie Sean was delivering packages
is it just me or is the first lock called gay?
Please send one keyless electronic door lock
Lol the third is gonna be in defcon cracking tutorial ???
Hackable locks when they use wireless , internet
Gate (option 5) is shit. Keeps losing conn to wifi and leaving me outside. Now, I'm trying to return it. They giving me a hard time about it. Yeah so much for my $300 dollars.
My neighbor`s wife locked the door, put it under the doormat in front of their door and left a notice on a piece of paper – honey, the key is under the doormat. They burglars broke into her house and stole everything LOL
All locks have 3.5 stars on Amazon. Not great locks. Yale should be included
Any lock that uses anything other than my biometrics is in my opinion not smart.
Bold seems to be pretty dumb. Flat phone battery .. and you are locked out
Me:I don’t trust this, the government could use it to enter any time!
Also Me:It’s not like I’m a terrorist or going to create crimes..So why not?
Me again:Well, maybe Installing this in my front door will be a little idiotic my room door will do?
5:46 The burglar could have just robbed him for the key. Criminals are so lazy.
What's the problem with having a key, we've managed for hundreds of years with them. If you loose them just hide a key in the garden
How about the windows? Hi?
NUKI Smart Lock (in europe) <3
Just hold of your deliveries at the hub and pick up from there. What if the mail man forgets or simply doesn't close the door properly. Then what you do. Call cops so they can come out and shut the door?
august is the best
Locks deter thief’s , guns stop them
My business is fitted with HID Prox door locks. I am very happy with them. We have key fobs to unlock them.
You forgot Danalock which is far better than the copy August
I bet you people have already created a portable device that can quickly hack any of these smart locks and let you enter any home quickly.
1:15 This scenario won't ever work in my country and my house will be robbed anyway.
@4:52 Did Mick Jagger and Richard Branson have a love child?
No no no I am the type who forgets my phone too many times
Ultraloq doesn’t work. It doesn’t actually use fingerprints and anyone can access it so please don’t fall for the scam
Damn…I don't think no hairclip and screw driver will work on these…What do I need to bypass a lock like these?
I trust 3M adhesives but one day that sucker is going to fall off and it's going to be that one day you decide not to bring your keys.
Your Marketing Products its in bad taste, to put an ad in the middle of the video for other products. I'm out when this happens…
Kha sa milta ha
But the issue is wont someone break the door just by using a hammer or any simple handy tool.
Can anyone test this out and give feedback? Look for: 'Circuit Solver' by Phasor Systems on Google Play.
wasting my time seeing this advertisement
и всё это перестаёт работать (становится раком) при температурах ниже -15 )))
very good
My house is facing east, direct sun light can make the door very very hot, above 50C, wondering if the 3rd choice can withstand such high temperature?
I need this keyless bluetooth security.
If August lock unlocks the door when you get close to the door then if you are inside the house and you get close to the door with your phone and you don't want to unlock the door, does your door gets unlocked? I don't think that is safe.
i need something like this, i rented a room and they didn't let me change the lock!! besides i wanted to intall and extra one and they refused, they keep a key… i just hate that because i don't trust one lock, i wish i could buy this D
Hello, does any of those products has a relay in or any way to unlock by rest service ? So I can open it from other device , is posible ?
1:15 for one sec I thought that Charlie Sean was delivering packages
is it just me or is the first lock called gay?
Please send one keyless electronic door lock
Lol the third is gonna be in defcon cracking tutorial ???
Hackable locks when they use wireless , internet
Gate (option 5) is shit. Keeps losing conn to wifi and leaving me outside. Now, I'm trying to return it. They giving me a hard time about it. Yeah so much for my $300 dollars.
My neighbor`s wife locked the door, put it under the doormat in front of their door and left a notice on a piece of paper – honey, the key is under the doormat. They burglars broke into her house and stole everything LOL
All locks have 3.5 stars on Amazon. Not great locks. Yale should be included
Any lock that uses anything other than my biometrics is in my opinion not smart.
Bold seems to be pretty dumb. Flat phone battery .. and you are locked out
Me:I don’t trust this, the government could use it to enter any time!
Also Me:It’s not like I’m a terrorist or going to create crimes..So why not?
Me again:Well, maybe Installing this in my front door will be a little idiotic my room door will do?
5:46 The burglar could have just robbed him for the key. Criminals are so lazy.
What's the problem with having a key, we've managed for hundreds of years with them. If you loose them just hide a key in the garden
How about the windows? Hi?
NUKI Smart Lock (in europe) <3
Just hold of your deliveries at the hub and pick up from there. What if the mail man forgets or simply doesn't close the door properly. Then what you do. Call cops so they can come out and shut the door?
august is the best
Locks deter thief’s , guns stop them
My business is fitted with HID Prox door locks. I am very happy with them. We have key fobs to unlock them.
You forgot Danalock which is far better than the copy August
I bet you people have already created a portable device that can quickly hack any of these smart locks and let you enter any home quickly.
1:15 This scenario won't ever work in my country and my house will be robbed anyway.
@4:52 Did Mick Jagger and Richard Branson have a love child?
No no no I am the type who forgets my phone too many times
Ultraloq doesn’t work. It doesn’t actually use fingerprints and anyone can access it so please don’t fall for the scam
Damn…I don't think no hairclip and screw driver will work on these…What do I need to bypass a lock like these?
I trust 3M adhesives but one day that sucker is going to fall off and it's going to be that one day you decide not to bring your keys.
Your Marketing Products its in bad taste, to put an ad in the middle of the video for other products. I'm out when this happens…
Kha sa milta ha
But the issue is wont someone break the door just by using a hammer or any simple handy tool.
Can anyone test this out and give feedback? Look for: 'Circuit Solver' by Phasor Systems on Google Play.
wasting my time seeing this advertisement
и всё это перестаёт работать (становится раком) при температурах ниже -15 )))
very good
My house is facing east, direct sun light can make the door very very hot, above 50C, wondering if the 3rd choice can withstand such high temperature?
I need this keyless bluetooth security.
If August lock unlocks the door when you get close to the door then if you are inside the house and you get close to the door with your phone and you don't want to unlock the door, does your door gets unlocked? I don't think that is safe.
i need something like this, i rented a room and they didn't let me change the lock!! besides i wanted to intall and extra one and they refused, they keep a key… i just hate that because i don't trust one lock, i wish i could buy this D
Im going to get one