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About the Author: IGN


  1. i've just played through carrion. it was truly a blast the whole way through. a right proper challenge. the gameplay is original and entertaining from start to finish. the mechanics are unique and i want more. even moving from level to level is involved and thoughtful. its an absolute joy and thats a fact. "it has no map" "it gets monotonous" "the abilities are useless" " i got lost for hours" -don't listen IGN. if this game was published by EA they'd be cumming all over themselves for weeks.

  2. I think it deserves a 9 for nailing the core concept so perfectly. I agree with the reviewer that it's easy to lose your way, but equally, navigating the environment is a joy and you really get into the mindset of this awful creature stalking the halls. Loved it.

  3. really want this but for such an expensive game to be so short, i'm gonna wait for it to be on sale. i couldn't justify buying it with so many other games on my wishlist no matter how much I'd love to play it.

  4. the Roar ability helps with navigation. i didnt mind not having a map. you're an newborn monster quick mobility lol it kinda made sense. the controls and movement are smooth and fast. too many paths or secrets to find would make navigation more frustrating. i just wanted to run around and kill things as fast as i wanted to. i also felt that i still had just enough room to play around with

  5. This game is hopelessly, ridiculously, not cool WITHOUT A MAP! YOU WILL GET RIDICULOUSLY LOST! wasting time make you want to abandon the game completely after 2 hours of backtracking.

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