Nathie and I play Fit It on the HTC Vive with HTC Vive Trackers for VR full body tracking! Fit It is a crazy virtual reality game where you have to fit through holes in …
Do the trackers work with a lot of games to make them worth buying?
it would be cool if they scanned your body before you started so they could make the shapes realistic to your body size & height.
Hey! I’d like to ask you a few questions about your experience with vr gaming and get some ideas on how to improve it! Please respond if you are interested!
Wish the oculus had leg trackers and this game. It looks so fun
£10.29 seriously ? I just bought Bioshock the Collection on PS4 for £8.99.. This game looks like a cash grab in my opinion, Zero innovation, this is not what VR Gaming should be about in 2018 and definitely not for the ridiculous price asked. In my opinion these type of games damage the true potential of VR. I'm sorry for sounding Grumpy Lol , I'm sure you did have fun for 20 mins ..I'm also Sorry if I offended the developer. But I'm sure it took them all of 10 mins to come up with idea and another 10 mins to develop the game.
that looks like a Saturday night in with a few mates could end up as crazy good fun and maybe a few minor injuries lol.
i think this is one of those games that looks easy when you watch and then super hard to play. i wonder if you could emulate this with an xbox kinect? i feel like the vr maket has a place for full body tracking using that
Watching two grown men giving questionable poses. This made my day.
Soon as you said VIVE….I stopped it. Why support a shitty company with a shitty product with shitty support? Rift is far superior in all regards.
I’m jealous!! When is oculus releasing extra tracker!!!!???
You need to jump later, the ghost is the test version to see if you fit
It's interesting that both of you climbed through the template with the transparent proxy and then assumed you were safe while your physical body has not passed through yet ? At least this is my impression ? Will have to try this at some point.
in the future we will have Just Dance with these sensors hahaha
that was great guys!! loved it. It looks like the game wants your knee to face forward all the time
The only game where you get to emulate a hole!
I need some of those vive trackers! Those are awesome!!
oh my days
So bad that it makes it good ???? looks so fun
This is the ultimate party game.
Hi love your videos
Haha ! that made me laugh bro. Good times. You guys just goofing around dancing was the best ?
looks like the ghost figure is a guide but the detection is when the wall passes the figure in the square. you guys were moving after the wall passed the ghost but before it got to the mannequin figure (have got to the end of the video now – you've realised this in hindsight)
Could you use a Kinect with this?
Rip off of the show hole in the wall
There are this kind of "Hole in the wall" games for the Xbox360 Kinect. Still great fun. I have always wondered why no one have combined VR and Kinect for full body tracking.
I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch my ceiling
So funny!
How the hell is it tracking the legs?
Very cool
lol looks like fun thumbs up.
It looks like one player twister or an interprative dance class
Nathie: Disco Disco!
Mike: *sexual noises*
Seems like a game that should be on the Quest!
Do the trackers work with a lot of games to make them worth buying?
it would be cool if they scanned your body before you started so they could make the shapes realistic to your body size & height.
Hey! I’d like to ask you a few questions about your experience with vr gaming and get some ideas on how to improve it! Please respond if you are interested!
Wish the oculus had leg trackers and this game. It looks so fun
£10.29 seriously ? I just bought Bioshock the Collection on PS4 for £8.99.. This game looks like a cash grab in my opinion, Zero innovation, this is not what VR Gaming should be about in 2018 and definitely not for the ridiculous price asked. In my opinion these type of games damage the true potential of VR. I'm sorry for sounding Grumpy Lol , I'm sure you did have fun for 20 mins ..I'm also Sorry if I offended the developer. But I'm sure it took them all of 10 mins to come up with idea and another 10 mins to develop the game.
that looks like a Saturday night in with a few mates could end up as crazy good fun and maybe a few minor injuries lol.
i think this is one of those games that looks easy when you watch and then super hard to play. i wonder if you could emulate this with an xbox kinect? i feel like the vr maket has a place for full body tracking using that
Watching two grown men giving questionable poses. This made my day.
Soon as you said VIVE….I stopped it. Why support a shitty company with a shitty product with shitty support? Rift is far superior in all regards.
I’m jealous!! When is oculus releasing extra tracker!!!!???
You need to jump later, the ghost is the test version to see if you fit
It's interesting that both of you climbed through the template with the transparent proxy and then assumed you were safe while your physical body has not passed through yet ? At least this is my impression ? Will have to try this at some point.
in the future we will have Just Dance with these sensors hahaha
that was great guys!! loved it. It looks like the game wants your knee to face forward all the time
The only game where you get to emulate a hole!
I need some of those vive trackers! Those are awesome!!
oh my days
So bad that it makes it good ???? looks so fun
This is the ultimate party game.
Hi love your videos
Haha ! that made me laugh bro. Good times. You guys just goofing around dancing was the best ?
looks like the ghost figure is a guide but the detection is when the wall passes the figure in the square. you guys were moving after the wall passed the ghost but before it got to the mannequin figure
(have got to the end of the video now – you've realised this in hindsight)
Could you use a Kinect with this?
Rip off of the show hole in the wall
There are this kind of "Hole in the wall" games for the Xbox360 Kinect. Still great fun.
I have always wondered why no one have combined VR and Kinect for full body tracking.
I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch my ceiling
So funny!
How the hell is it tracking the legs?
Very cool
lol looks like fun thumbs up.
It looks like one player twister or an interprative dance class
Holy crap. Where can I get mine?
Man this looks cool
That looks so fun!