Scarlet Nexus is an ambitious action RPG that blends the disparate genres of the character action and epic JRPGs along the lines of Persona and the “Tales of” …
Scarlet Nexus is an ambitious action RPG that blends the disparate genres of the character action and epic JRPGs along the lines of Persona and the “Tales of” …
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If they animated more cutscenes and added more customization the game would be 10/10
Dull levels, derivative characters, repetitive combat. Sounds like almost every japanese game made these days.
I'm genuanly seprised people still watch ign videos
So they cancelled Bayonetta 3 for this? Major Disappointment.
It's pretty mediocre and wonky just like code vein. Definitely not what I'd consider "next gen".
$80 now or free on xbox pass in a couple months.. hmm..
The looks of this game brings me back to the Phantasy Star Online days on Gamecube
Bout to hit ng+ def satisfying
Great review, definitely buying
The game is literally about using your brain at 100% capacity
Wowwowowow this looks like the area in astral chains 1:49 alternative universe maybe?
Loving this game. It's been a long time since a game really made me forget about reality and just dive into the narrative.
Mitchell: literally the best reviewer in the entire company. Points out pros and cons, quality of life and explains the combat.
The rest of IGN: "This game is an absolute masterpiece and is singlehandedly the greatest game ever made. 7/10"
Is anyone else getting screwed over by the camera in smaller rooms and the lock on?
Another boring anime game and it's has anime now ? lol what garbage franchise
Been enjoying Mitchell reviews ever since the Ninja Gaiden Black playthrough series on IGN
It’s nice to see they don’t have them big over sized weapons.
No Loot? How can you open it up with diablo and mentioning (arpg's)
8/10 seems rather excessive… The game feels closer to 6/10.
-Side Quests that are actually closer to challenges than actual quests. The mission is always "kill an enemy with this method" or "find this item and return it to quest giver".
-Horrible replayability. Imagine spending days to get the best equipment for your team, only to find out that there's no level scaling in EX New Game, and everything dies in one hit if you carry over level and/or equip your best items.
-Needlessly large maps that only served to extend playtime. The city feels dead and empty; nothing to do except talking to pedestrians or picking up "side quests" from certain NPCs.
-Anti climatic events. One moment, you ran for your life as you were being chased by a very huge enemy. Then came the cutscenes and boom! Mission complete, chapter end.
-Overly bloated playtime. The story itself was quite short; you fight three consecutive battles and that's it: one story phases out of twelve is complete.
Really reminds me of Astral Chain. Might check it out.
I’m sorry but the reviewer sounds like he has a bunch of peanut butter in his mouth. Please speak clearer or don’t review things.
oh it's Tokyo Ghoul
This got an anime idunno it is a game >:0
20hrs kinda short. Give me a 60hrs witcher 3 lenght like (guud) game
How is this on mouse and keyboard?
Is this game on steam