Don’t know which beauty gadget to try? We tested out 22 CRAZY beauty gadgets for you! You probably didn’t know most of these gadgets or never dared to try …
Don’t know which beauty gadget to try? We tested out 22 CRAZY beauty gadgets for you! You probably didn’t know most of these gadgets or never dared to try …
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I like the Red thing where was whote and your teeth got Red:)
Вау класс
3:21 that smile is creepy
If we use that much of toothpaste at once we will be poor we squeeze out as much as we can and cut at the bottom to get more toothpaste out of the tube ?????
The eyebrow tattoo Will work for the one with no eyebrows
8:06 I think it's chemical
I love ittttttt??????????
She did not just lick the toothpast of….?
I love these must haves for my beauty routine !! https://youtu.be/5mw9cOsVxvY
Those fake teeth are white but you're really teeth are yellow like pee
I mean you're real teeth
This is so much better then 5 – minute craft’s FAKE “Life hacks”
I want to know where to find the indestructible tights
The amount of toothpaste that brush uses is actually more than the toothpaste we generally use in a whole week
Suprisingly i love this
Wow very good ?
Las cejas artificiales son para las personas que no tienen cejas
The eyebrow stencil is not a fail my mom tried it
فهل سَفهوا بعقولِكم السُّفهاء من علماء الفلك المُستكبرين من الذين تبيَّن لهم آية إدراك الشمس للقمر فأخفوها عن العالمين؟! وكذَّبَ عُلماء الفلك بآية الإدراك الكونيّة وهم يعلمون علم اليقين أن الشمس حقًّا أدركت القمر منذ بداية شهر مُحرَّم.
وأما عامّة الناس فسوف يتبيَّن لهم أجمعين بَدْرُ شهر مُحرَّم مساء يومنا هذا ( الإثنين )، ولسوف يلعن الله عُلماء الفَلَك ويحل عليهم لعنته والملائكة والناس أجمعين فيلعنهم لعنًا كبيرًا ولن يجدوا لهم من دون الله وليًّا ولا نصيرًا، وأولياءهم ِمن صُنَّاع القرار وخُطباء المنابر وكافَّة المُجرمين في العالمين متى ما يشاء الله ووقت ما يشاء الله ولسوف تعلمون، فانتظِروا إنَّا مُنتَظِرون لِحُكم الله رب العالمين..
خليفةُ الله وعبدُه الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني.
الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني
15 – محرم – 1443 هـ
23 – 08 – 2021 مـ
12:49 مساءً
( بحسب التقويم الرسمي لأمّ القرى )
That was so much of toothpaste which is harmful to use at a time.
No. I've tried the "indestructible" tights. They're supposed to be one size fits all, but the tore just from putting them on.
Manga qizni qiliqlari yoqti
Gross. Stop messing with your appearance! You look fine just as God created you
Porque la gente es tan estúpida
Dit is allemaal niets
Do not do the u toothbrush it’s just rubbing on your teeth
Very nice video ???
Muy Gerona ???
احبكم. استمروا
اكوو عرب بطياارره ???
What toothpaste is pink????
So amazing
She is so silly
She so pretty like model
Ne kadar sinir bir kadın
I don’t think the girl trying the stick on eye brows is the right candidate for that
Do u really need mascara applicator like gadges ?