Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord reviewed on PC by T.J. Hafer. “It’s easy to focus on all the ways Mount & Blade II is still stuck in a rut starting out, but Bannerlord is …
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord reviewed on PC by T.J. Hafer. “It’s easy to focus on all the ways Mount & Blade II is still stuck in a rut starting out, but Bannerlord is …
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this game looks messy , ill stick to kingdom come deliverance that game nearly rivaled the witcher
I wish is was not $45 for early access.
Wait, IGN actually knowing what they are talking about?
About the whole 8 years of development. I believe they didn't start developing the game until a few years after they announced it and had to restart once or twice.
Playing beta branch update1.10.. Amazing. A huge Performance improvement! Sieges never struggle my CPU anymore so hardly as before the Update. Before the Update my CPU get Hot and now its in the state it should stay. Very great Allround changes. More exp more armor better AI and mods… Omg. 1.10 beta branch on properties in steam and enjoy.
Be aware! On my rig it works great. I cant ensure it will in your too! Its a beta branch patch up to 2gb. But try by yourself!
u failed to mention that it has been in developement for a decade which would not bold well to the actual 1.0 release timeline…..
and the cost that is waaaaayyyy to high for an early access project with a timeline like this
Why is there even a review for a game that's still in early access?
I hope they improve optimization, less load screen time, and all that stuff.
the fact that the game can have 1000 NPCS on screen at once. graphics are irrelevant. you cant have uncharted graphics and 1000 NPCS on screen. the game looks gorgeous for what it is achieving
Mount & Blade 2: Amazing and huge game = 8
Resident Evil 3: Mediocre game = 9
Will this be released on ps4?
I can make a dimitri
Anyone have any tips i can barely run this game and i have the recommended settings. Its so jittery it plays like a slideshow. Its been better since the most recent patch but still pretty bad.
What about multiplayer, not a word?
The game is so addictive that many many times I forgot to save.I cant wait to see it finished!! Great game for being an early access!
Haven't sunk in hour in a game since total war Rome 2
I cant stop playing this game !!
Amazing game, rough around the edges, but amazing. Upcoming 1.1 patch will fix a lot of stuff, can't wait to start over.
I’m very interested in this game.
why do people keep complaining about the Graphics? this is already a huge upgrade from warband unless they want the graphics to be like kingdom come, sure it would look great but you will basically playing a screenshot simulator during 500+ soldier battles.
tips for larger battles: in audio settings you can change simultaneous sound from 250(default) to 125. Gave me like 20 extra frames during seiges
As a huge mount and blade fan, i’m pleasantly surprised with an 8. The game still needs a lot of work.
What I am going to enjoy is riding into sunset with my army
8?!?! Seriously? This game one the best sandbox medieval games (which he said it’s ambitious and one of his favourite games). Yeah it’s in early access, but the level of detail, battles and massive improvement from the original Bannerlord deserves a 9/10 alone. The game stands out on it’s own to the rest of the medieval games on the market. This what Total war should learn from and pick up ideas from Bannerlord because the game itself stands out and is incredible with the developers constantly updating and fixing bugs daily, I’ve never seen a developer constantly interact with it’s community unlike the AAA developers. It’s one of the most played games on steam aswell. This is why you don’t listen to reviews and experience it yourself.
It really makes you feel like you're the Bannerlord.
68 hours in this game and still counting
60 hours in and I love this game.
How the heck did he get high tier armor :O??
Auto block is for noobs
i used to be able until a game breaking bug one patch later literally locked me out of playing this game and the devs still havent fixed it its been almost a full week :/ i guess thats early access but still you think they would prioritize the game breakers not the in game thats literally just a visual thing…..
Its got lairs
The game is addicting! Especially after the new beta patch they released fixed the graphics optimization and the bugs!
This looks ok but final fantasy better if erith didn’t get murdered
IGN is going to have to review this game 5 times lol
looks fun but my pc would not handle it well.. it melts with Doom
the new 1.1.0 still have bug it even make the load screen longer
Sir, going to need to see you couch that lance before I take this review seriously