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@tacticalRab. The renetti pistol has been approved for the CDL. all the pros have been testing it out and are impressed with it. as it is over powered. kinda like the rafika gun from MW2. so expect it to be used by pretty much all the pros in the tournaments upcoming.
Can you explain why Dashy has been wearing a LaG Jersey on Stream and hasnt talked to any of the Optic dudes. Some subtle hints ?
im sorry but how the fuck is clay always falling to his death
I see my "Who is Penguin" tweet lmao
Why haven’t they brought back Octane from ghosts ??? The map was big and was played for SND and domination which are game modes for modern warfare
Please let COD move to pc. It means that cod pros can play at more than 60fps we’ll get the best of the best.
A king doesn't need to try!
The silver lining about Treyarch, in my opinion, is that BO4 was their worst game and it was so much more fun than half of the other CoD developer games.
I loved the last clip of clay dieing from fall damage.
Thumbnail ???
New Treyarch game has only had 1 year to develop plus this Covid delay. Can’t wait for MW haters to get their shit product next year while I still play this game
I’d love it if Infinity Ward doesn’t release an incomplete game after CoD 2020. I didn’t like MW at first but it’s grown on me. My KD is at 1.0 and that’s fine, I’m enjoying the grind. I’m enjoying the weapons and attachments. It’s just a good game. If they continue to build it it could become great.
amazing content keep up the great content
cool content keep it up dude
Saw the new pistol could be a burst pistol similar to the old B23R from BO2. A gun that played a big part in competitive. You think that this could become similar or will it be instantly GA´ed Rab?
Im not surprised since Scump switched to yt, love watching your vids everyday
Why can't you get Simp and Wuskin on draft buff?
awesome video dude
great video keep up the good content
I know gb integration and 60hz dedis are great, but they were fine with 12 hz before this covid shit.
Joined the draft
Seth said on his stream that he wont rt the polls so we will prob take an L against Canadian…
Warzone quads is the worst, trios was nice, duo would be perfect. I don't even want to talk about solos
Let's go Minnesota
Its hard to be reputable esport when you have a shit game like mw. It has to be on of the least competitive cod.
I’m here early let’s get it Rab
Blimey you talk fast hahaha I love it
Noti gang