Onboard an F1 car for street burnouts in Virtual Reality and 360! Aston Martin Red Bull Racing — April 5, 2020 32 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Ever wondered what it would be like to be strapped to the top of a Formula One car at high speeds through the streets of Budapest? Wonder no more as you join … source camera phone free sharing upload video video phone Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Full screen 1080s and volume at the max. What an experience to view in 360.2017…. what a time to be alive!
my first 360 video…just wow!amazing experience,only this way we can properly feel how fast this cars are
You really get a sense of how fast these cars really are when they're on the streets. On track they look a lot slower.
Look at the tires when he is bornouting
When i baby doesn’t get his food.
Im not rich or able to ride go carts but this is a dream come true thank you
Is this speed up or something ? It's so fast!
Why can't I hear the EBD sounds?
looks like the rfactor camera movement
én is ott voltam
does his head really get shaken that much?
it's 360 but not VR
very dangerous if ricciardo loose the control with people so close to the barrier.
Looks like they're still using Mark Webbers headrest @ 8:59
its a bit like google street view
Wow!!! Is this the new Star Wars movie?? The Return of the Red Bull. ???
Nice shifting?
My countries capital
(I'm from Hungary
amazing amazing today is technology
That is one of the coolest videos I have ever seen!!!
Full screen 1080s and volume at the max. What an experience to view in 360.
2017…. what a time to be alive!
I'm the one thousandth viewer
my first 360 video…just wow!amazing experience,only this way we can properly feel how fast this cars are
I don't wanna be that guy but that's how F1 cars should sound
You really get a sense of how fast these cars really are when they're on the streets. On track they look a lot slower.

new experience …
Looks Amazing
This looks like a F1 game