HALF LIFE ALYX IS THE BEST Virtual Reality Game I Have EVER played Half-Life alyx playthrough on my Oculus Rift s It’s really weird being in a land of …
So sorry it was late, YouTube took a week to process it maybe cos of how big it is XD Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did more to come! I love it so much ? Drop a like if you enjoyed it to ? ? Subscribe for more great videos ? https://goo.gl/NMECpD
Also, stay safe guys!
Its like black mesaaaaaa
WOW This game is AMAZING this graphics and physics and interactive world is amazing!!! Now the combine is 200X better then Half Life 2! I love this game!!
Next part pla
If you break the crates you could find amo or resin ???
Its a transformers
His version of the gameplay… disturbed me
Elite the gasmask you can put it on
I may be late to say but the bug they squeezed to make green stuff are Antlion larvaes, in HL2 ep 1 or 2 that you raided them cave when you stepped on them they make a healing green stuff that they used on healing.
Every you tuber is playing this game you should play something different
41 min in how the hell did you see that puzzle ? i still cant see it
Wow sooo good!
Elite im using my uncles acc. But the end of the train being destroyed you said its like a brain it is not its an adviser supreme leader of the combine
I subscribed, liked and commented! Sorry I commented so late but I could not finish watching before I had to go frog hunting. ? And please continue this series I guse?
Face reveal at 500k?
I Wath Elitelupus To Do Face Reveal Though
If you open the crates and ect. you can find ammo and other resources
Litterly No One: Nobody: Nothing in a deep dark endless abyss: Elite: you can twist it, and do this with it pushes antenna down
Elite is a pro half life ,killing zombie head crabs
When will u be playing unturned next
Eddie vr did this vido
I like it but I want the view to be the same as your because I can’t see down the scoop
A some code Keep I up ps I subscribed!!!!!!!!!!
Elite your such a waste of a ammo it’s say 11 and you cock it such waste dude
Im so glad you played this game. Good work?
These graphics are Crazy good I don't got this game And I don't want it Wanna know why cause I don't play games just watch them. I read I have my fun I was a boss. But for real Really enjoy your videos So thank you man?
Youre triggerring me with you not picking up the stuff you need. Youre missing out on a lot of things
The walker is a strider, And its most likely powering a shield generator or gate or a security network, perhaps even its connected to a reactor.
I'd be a liar if I said I didn't want VR just for this, too bad I don't have any room for it.
The Video is a little laggy hope you fix it
Please Do More
How's quarantine lad?
Also what puzzle took you the longest
1:45:05 the video cut. HMMMM did he cut out him failing the jump. HMMM
That is the same green stuff that is in the medkits in the other games
Ty for liking my commet ty you i forgot to say im liked and subed
Can’t believe I just watched that all the way through. Felt like a movie it was so good ♥️
This is a comment. The comment is in the comment section.
I can’t wait to watch more half life
3:18That's a Snark! They appeared as a weapon in Half-Life:1. They were able to be thrown and they'd bite the enemy you threw them at!
i noticed some things if a youtuber is looking for stuff they find it if they are exploring they are blind as a bat
If you reload with ammo left in the gun then if you cock it back you'll lose a bullet
thats bs it says that it's an hour but i loved the video so much that it felt like one minute
So sorry it was late, YouTube took a week to process it maybe cos of how big it is XD Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did more to come! I love it so much ? Drop a like if you enjoyed it to ? ? Subscribe for more great videos ?
Also, stay safe guys!
Its like black mesaaaaaa
WOW This game is AMAZING this graphics and physics and interactive world is amazing!!! Now the combine is 200X better then Half Life 2! I love this game!!
Next part pla
If you break the crates you could find amo or resin ???
Its a transformers
His version of the gameplay… disturbed me
Elite the gasmask you can put it on
I may be late to say but the bug they squeezed to make green stuff are Antlion larvaes, in HL2 ep 1 or 2 that you raided them cave when you stepped on them they make a healing green stuff that they used on healing.
Every you tuber is playing this game you should play something different
41 min in how the hell did you see that puzzle ? i still cant see it
Wow sooo good!
Elite im using my uncles acc. But the end of the train being destroyed you said its like a brain it is not its an adviser supreme leader of the combine
I subscribed, liked and commented! Sorry I commented so late but I could not finish watching before I had to go frog hunting. ?
And please continue this series I guse?
Face reveal at 500k?
I Wath Elitelupus To Do Face Reveal Though
If you open the crates and ect. you can find ammo and other resources
Litterly No One:
Nothing in a deep dark endless abyss:
Elite: you can twist it, and do this with it pushes antenna down
Elite is a pro half life ,killing zombie head crabs
When will u be playing unturned next
Eddie vr did this vido
I like it but I want the view to be the same as your because I can’t see down the scoop
A some code Keep I up ps I subscribed!!!!!!!!!!
Elite your such a waste of a ammo it’s say 11 and you cock it such waste dude
Im so glad you played this game. Good work?
These graphics are Crazy good I don't got this game And I don't want it Wanna know why cause I don't play games just watch them. I read I have my fun I was a boss. But for real Really enjoy your videos So thank you man?
Youre triggerring me with you not picking up the stuff you need. Youre missing out on a lot of things
The walker is a strider, And its most likely powering a shield generator or gate or a security network, perhaps even its connected to a reactor.
I'd be a liar if I said I didn't want VR just for this, too bad I don't have any room for it.
The Video is a little laggy hope you fix it
Please Do More
How's quarantine lad?
Also what puzzle took you the longest
1:45:05 the video cut. HMMMM did he cut out him failing the jump. HMMM
That is the same green stuff that is in the medkits in the other games
Ty for liking my commet ty you i forgot to say im liked and subed
Can’t believe I just watched that all the way through. Felt like a movie it was so good ♥️
This is a comment. The comment is in the comment section.
I can’t wait to watch more half life
3:18 That's a Snark! They appeared as a weapon in Half-Life:1. They were able to be thrown and they'd bite the enemy you threw them at!
i noticed some things
if a youtuber is looking for stuff they find it
if they are exploring they are blind as a bat
If you reload with ammo left in the gun then if you cock it back you'll lose a bullet
thats bs it says that it's an hour but i loved the video so much that it felt like one minute
Im so glad this video is almost 2 hours.
I love it do More of it