Sea of Thieves reviewed by David Jagneaux on Xbox One, also available on PC. We take a fresh look at how Sea of Thieves stands in 2020. #ign #gaming.
Sea of Thieves reviewed by David Jagneaux on Xbox One, also available on PC. We take a fresh look at how Sea of Thieves stands in 2020. #ign #gaming.
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Playing it now for two years and its so awesome how well made this game is done and how much love the developers put in it.
Griefers ruined this game.
sea of thieves is bad lmfao i bought it played it for a day and never touched it again
Seems like it'd be really fun with friends, I might give it a chance
I’m going to watch every IGN review to make my long time at home worthwhile …
Props to the devs for not doing progression to milk money from players. Surprised they didn't use this game to do that. Haven't played the game but that alone deserves praise.
Why are you just reviewing this now? Game been out over a year now.
Naaa the games WACK
It's crazy to me that they hyped this game up for 3 e3s and it wasn't even a full game when it launched. And even after a year is still not even a full game.
I'll buy it when it gets VR.
Thanks for revisiting this IGN!
I personally don’t play it still. But I constantly hear how awesome this game has improved!
Started playing this when I got my xbox this game is so fun I unlocked a lot trophies and got a bunch of gold
What is that white ship skin called?
I was just playing this yesterday and got stuck in the middle of the ocean lmao
I found it a relief to have everything useful unlocked at the very start. There was no underlying feeling that I should grind this and that before I could start enjoying the game. I'm playing for three months, and I still feel progression by learning new tricks, mastering old ones and combining the learned strengths of my crew(s). It was pure, undisturbed joy all along. I don't miss a ticking xp bar.
Microsoft and Rare keep hyping this game up. Sorry but this ain't moving console sales. Get Rare to reboot Conkers, Perfect Dark, and Banjo, stop wasting time on this mediocre game.
This game name totally fits nowadays gaming companies we are surrounded by:
Sea of thieves
The lack of any form of progress makes this largely unplayable for me. I see no reason to be invested.
And the great thing is that it's on Game Pass
The cosmetic only sense of progression is a massive turn off for me.
What? So now we are re-reviewing games now. It is a half baked idea and barely filled game and universe.
I know the devs worked hard on this game but I know there's no way anyone is playing this. Literally everyone is playing Fortnite, COD, Battlefield or some story mode game.
Sea of Thieves Review 2036
Its no longer boring
boring game
Another case of release unfinished and update later. Better than nothing though.
This game is awesome.
My review as someone who Has played it since the beginning and someone who works a lot it’s incredible if you own Games pass & love catching up with friends while playing it but as someone who works a lot it’s best kept for nights you know your not working the next day because you can’t play it for a couple of minutes you’ll need to Dedicate a lot of time to it. Bottom line is it’s a great game but demands tons of time take that as you will
This game was bad at launch and it’s still bad. Shallow gameplay with nothing but cosmetic unlocks.