My Top 10 most miserable Smartphone fails of all time, from the $4 phone, to the Samsung Galaxy Fold, to the iPhone Bend-gate scandal – but it can always get …
My Top 10 most miserable Smartphone fails of all time, from the $4 phone, to the Samsung Galaxy Fold, to the iPhone Bend-gate scandal – but it can always get …
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Where can I buy that jacket?
Screen protectors should be properly checked if you should take em off
Phone boom
Me: (calls company) phone went boom, give me a replacement
Replacement: boom
Me: company what the actual
The iPhone 6 is the best selling smartphone ever made. It had a problem but it was a great phone at a good price. How can you say with a straight face that that is worse than phones like the Blackberry which were unusable and was a majour cause of one of the biggest phone manufacturers collapsing the Loop which was so lacking in basic features that it couldn't fulfil the task it was advertised for?
The freedom phone is a mix between iPhone and Android
OP voice man
Where can I find a Jersey like yours? I am a OnePlus fan for a long time!!
Best regards and keep your good work ??
All u said about samsung is right…samsung really need to remove that explotion event on there phone…btw Samsung user here…and i am now SCARED..HAHAHHA
Im watching this at samsung note7
Imagine threatening your customers to kill them for a shitty product you made.
why is the the actual one in the world of music that is a lot to do if you have a baby and a great movie that is a prank and you can get it out loud with the music and it will take a lot more of it to get out there and li have been the best way for me is to never forget that can be the most famous of all the things you have to draw on the welcome of a world of a great movie and a good one for a kid who has a great deal and li have been the most important characters in this film
Easily the project ARA could be turned one of the best and most revolucionary projects of modern smartphone industry, nevertheless they didn't eecuted this well.
I hope to see a project like this take off in a more creative way.
Freedom 251 is just an android iphone but failed miserably.
All Samsung phones are trash
Whats with the Samsung Galaxy s7 edge that had the "pink line of dead" after 2 Months of usage?
Hahaha so interesting , thnku very much foryour contents and videos!
I'm new to channel I only saw 2 videos and he's been holding that phone the whole time
I kinda knew Note 7 would be there
10….mh wait, that isn't enough for all iPhones ?
10….mh wait, that isn't enough for all iPhones ?
10….mh wait, that isn't enough for all iPhones ?
Why didn't the Pixel 4 become lik the bendgate thing?
i really wanted ara to succeed, sad it was cancelled
Didn’t the iPhone 7 batteries fry?
Project Ara crumbled but I don't think it was a fail.
as soon as you type galaxy into the youtube search bar the first one to come up is galaxy note 7 exploding
2:21 Pun intended?
How could you forget the iPhone 4 that had the disconnect spot on the side which became a meme where companies made stickers with the end call button on them to go over that spot lol. Apple had to give out free cases to everyone because of it. This way way bigger than the bending iPhone 6, to the point that most ppl haven't heard of the bending iPhone but EVERYBODY I know if has heard of the iPhone 4 connection killing spot on the side.
the fuck is wrong with your voice?
Annoying and monotone delivery. Nope.
I don't really know what to say concerning this video. All the fails were above 5 to me
Expected phone samsung note 7
“Costed” is an epic fail in your English language.
Samsung pulled it back beautifully. The Note10 +5g is a sublime device.
Windows Phone is bad
You didn't like Samsung's Beam either right?
The note7 was super unfortunate. It was an excellent device. Probably the best of it's time until the incidents. Hats off to Samsung for taking the steps to make sure this never happens again.
I wouldn't call the Galaxy Round a mistake.
Not only was it a good idea, but the experience and research gained from making it is what led to Samsung's now iconic curved displays.
It also played a big part in developing somewhat curved displays, leading to the new Z Flip.
All in all – Samsung gained a lot out of the Galaxy Round.
I owned the BlackBerry storm
Watch this on my sams note 7….
Im whatching on iphone 6s so ime good cos they fixed the bending issue on iphone 6s
Kinda late to this but did everyone forget about the LG bootloop issues? Specially the G4.
Wearing (1+ONEPLUS) T-shirt and talking about the other smartphones failure, how innocent !
I started to hate what you introduce, thinking you could convince brainless viewers and followers ?
Project Ara Ara
iPhone 6 bend gate now their back to their old ways with their iPad pro
First time i am hearing that about the note 7 exploding went thro all note phone except the note 10 and my note 7 never exploded how is this happening some PEOPLE were maybe just using the wrong chargers
I though the Nokia/Microsoft Lumia were the worst lol
Note:I have a Nokia Lumia 1520
My Samsung Galaxy fold screen never did that i have it for about a 4 months now… so the first video is a lie….