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***My fully comprehensive road map to becoming a COMPLETE Trading Boss! + VIP DIscord Access***
All my trading strategies revealed in a series of 39 Modules of Video and PowerPoint presentation format over 32 hours long + Bonus Material! Reviews inside!
***Master Your Options***
Years as a Professional Market Maker Authorized Trader synthesized down into a 42 Module Road Map for the Purpose of Derivative Domination
***Krown Jewel Indicator Mastery***
My preferred method of scalping by timing both entries and exits with 5 unique oscillators each suited for specific trading styles
Straight from the depths of the Cave comes this beard oil!
Frontier Discord Channel – https://discord.gg/
Recommended Reading for Learning the Art of Trading –
Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
Disclaimer: “Deadmau5 Ft. Grabbitz – Let Go” has been used for educational purposes in accordance with section 107 of US Copyright Law.
#Bitcoin #BitcoinNews #BitcoinAnalysis
Disclaimer – The content in this video and on this channel are not intended to be financial advice. The content in this video and on this channel are only intended for entertainment purposes only!
Bitcoin Analysis, Top bitcoin analysis, price prediction, Bitcoin Trading, Bitcoin 2018, Bitcoin Crash, Bitcoin Moon, Bitcoin News, Bitcoin Today, Best Bitcoin Analysis, Bitcoin price, Bitcoin to 0, Where is Bitcoin Going, Bitcoin bottomed
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? ! Please stay SAFU ! ?
Enjoy your TA. Not so your expletives but that's fine if it makes you happy. Every success and great health in 2020. you #$@&^%$# Hallam in always sunny Barbados
Which is the best exchange to trade bitcoin? Plz reply
I retweeted to show support
come on people show your support ,Eric is one of the straightest no bull talking guy's giving his time and insight free to all who want it, he's funny and he asks for nothing except love and respect for all. plus someone out there is attacking youtubers bringing them down….6818 views on 25th but only 587 likes……show the love peeps Hit the LIKES
Thanks K and Elsa! The only channel left to watch.. All the best from across Östersjön!
This is why you're so good at trading. You're able to stay this calm when you should be anything but. The person that is doing this has no soul.
May I ask how long uve used the expected moves indicator? I'm starting to watch ur videos more often but havent had a lot of exposure, so I may be wrong when I say I'm asking cause it looks like a newer indicator
Is this a dog in the background at 27:11? Is this elsa? Or both? Sounds like the last one, just want to be sure, because my dog is listening and i don't quite know what she's hearing
This is probably the scammers who are running those bogus channels going after all valid creators for warning their viewers about them.
No test for the wicked.
Merry Christmas, Krown.
No more Chi-town or what?
What settings do you use for stoch indicator??
Merry Christmas & have a prosperous NEW YEAR to ALL!
#520 ? SMASHED
Happy Holidays ?
Good luck with all this BS ..
If all else fails ?Twitch?
Hyvää joulua Eric ja Elsa!
Thanks for everything Krown. Just leaving anther comment for the youtube algorithm. Thank you for all the FREE content! Love you brother!
Maybe you should diversify into blockchain videos so they can't take them away?? – dtube with steemit?
They don’t come after anyone who thinks they are next. They go after people who donate to St. Jude’s though. it is bewildering and they left critics channels alone and channels like Onision and Able Danger alone. If you drink a pitcher of Pepsi you get views or dress up like spider man and scare babies.
YouTube is crushing their crypto community. Incoming Google coin imminent.
Are you going to upload your YouTube videos to twitch, another platform, or your website? Also, not sure how people can be advised to use your free content first when the content is now private and can’t be viewed by followers.
Those that are causing issues are among the worst types.
Hey Krown, I'm 'out of money' to buy your Options course atn. Been reading Edwards & Magee on Technical Analysis of Stock Trends and got interested in this topic to increase my knowledge as they mentioned about it. Do you have any books to recommend on this subject before taking your course and while save some money to buy your full content? Thanks!
Happiest of the happiest holidays Krown! Appreciate all your videos. Always great content.
16:45 Cute
20:20 23:00 24:00 what is she doing? Is that a cold?? If so that is really ccute
Trusting in youtube's schizophrenic enforcement wouldn't be good 'risk management' if you have hundreds of hours of effort that could disappear on a whim.
I think you should either: have an offline backup of your content or utilize the automatic bitchute backup to mitigate this. Years of documented trades and videos gives you credibility. I would be very sad if this material was lost for good.
Merry Christmas Eric.
Krown if you stream on Twitch you can " Highlight" the whole video and it lasts longer for people to view.
Now we'll have to watch krown's videos within the day.. sometimes it takes a few hours before I'm able to watch or listen to YT
Bitcoin 2 is not thin air but is freedom like the thin air.
Invest in BTC2 and be bullish