WOW!! SOMEONE WILL PUMP BITCOIN insanely!! And it is not going to be who you think, who Pumps Bitcoin!!
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Disclaimer: The content covered in this video/live stream is NOT to be considered as investment advice. We are NOT financial advisers. These are only our own personal opinions, ideas, speculative hypotheses, charts, technical analysis (TA), insights, curated news publications and price prediction(s) for 2019 and beyond. We will never tell you what to do with your capital, trades or investments. We will also never recommend for you to buy or sell any asset. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Trading and/or investing in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) or any other type of cryptocurrency, altcoin or asset of any kind is extremely high risk and the market and price of any asset can crash or rise unpredictably at any time! Cryptos are incredibly volatile! You should always consult with a professional/licensed financial adviser before trading or investing in any asset/commodity/etc. This video/live stream is purely for entertainment purposes only!
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Bitcoin TA: 1:48
Wale Playing?: 3:12
Was this a REVERSAL?: 4:10
REVERSAL, When THIS Happens: 5:32
Very Short Term Trade: 7:34
Todays BITCOIN POLL: 9:53
FED Balance Sheet ATH in MAY 2020 (Halving): 10:10
ALL Central Bank Interest Rates ALL TIME LOW: 16:02
Pandoras Wallet: 22:00
BEST Place for Leverage: 22:15
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DISCLAIMER: Leverage trading Bitcoin is VERY risky, and at least 70-80% of all traders lose money. Understand the risks involved leverage trading and trade at your own risk. We only want experienced traders to trade. otherwise DCA might be better.
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We don't care about pumps. We want btc to go up in price and stay there! Then mining makes them even more rare so price keeps climbing. We are tired of the pumps and dumps!
thx team
I am completely new to this, where do I start ?
Not yet. We need to see more pain first.
Klaus from Family Guy does crypto!
Davinci you are a HERO!
Do not cut down on the videoes Tyson!
Dang! Davinci is such a perma bear ???
god these 2 retards are still at it? lmfao
Bybits requires KYC? Cool. Da Vicci able to come up with a secure non KYC real BTC decentralized swapping wallet.
Hard assets? im looking into Gold and Silver NOT bitcoin…
If I miss the train catch the bus lol
Nice call, guys… made a few bucks !
Davinci and the rest of these so called experts have ZERO clue what BTC is gonna do…NOBODY does…and they are almost always WRONG…their opinions are meaningless!!
That was no whale. That was the miners and the whales they trust. They are protecting their investment, 6300 is the cost of production.
Whale is AngeloBTC and his friends
I want to point out that buying a negative yielding bond is not a guaranteed loss. If the rates continue to go more negative, the price of the bond continues higher. There is a greater fool dynamic at play. It is a bubble and it will end badly, but for now bond holders are making money. On the other hand a BANK DEPOSIT that yields a negative rate IS a guaranteed slow bleed loss.
I have to say i think low interest rates dont take away the power from the central banks like chris said, it makes them stronger because they can offer more debt.
We will see prices above 7590 USD 99,99 percent. Dont ask why. And I dont know what happens then.