An elegant weapon for a more civilized age, the lightsaber is neither clumsy nor random, and each one is unique like a snowflake… a very, very dangerous …
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age, the lightsaber is neither clumsy nor random, and each one is unique like a snowflake… a very, very dangerous …
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Wow, 10 star wars videos within 24 hours – milking much?
I thought they choose the purple light saber only for Sam L. Jackson because that’s his favorite color.
Hey ..No Plo Kloon shout out for YELLOW LIGHTSABERS?! He had one!!
I choice yellow
Ahsoka is my favorite character of all time
I like the purple one since mace windu and revan wield them. So I'm using a purple one in fallen order also ?
Themandalorians didnt steal it tho they took it back, technically. The first ever jedi mandalorian created that saber
In fallen order I went from blue and then when cals broke I changed it to green to signify his transformation from padawan to jedi
You got so many things wrong. Knowledge you have not
Died at 1:06?
I thought the saber at the end of ROS was white, not yellow
1:06 okay ngl IGN, i blew some air out of my nose
What about Brown lightsaber…
It means that a blue lightsaber doesn't work well against a blue sky so it became green. It means that Samuel Jackson want a purple lightsaber so he can stand out.
Orange would be cool
Purple just means that Samuel L. Jackson wanted to be able to see himself in large battles
Ray and d.
Black is the lightsaber of batman
What I want to know is how come Jedi can't use force lightning? Based on Attack of the clones it looks like they can absorb and redirect it but can they generate it? If so how come they never do?
Mace Windu had a Purple Lightsaber cos Samuel L Jackson thought it'd look cool ??♂️
I would want either a white saber or the dark saber?
I say Purple or green I would use