Subscribe to IGN for more! http://www.youtube.com/user/IGNentertainment?sub_confirmation=1 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review …
Subscribe to IGN for more! http://www.youtube.com/user/IGNentertainment?sub_confirmation=1 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Review …
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I'm watching this video because I'm NOT going to watch the movie. Pretty sure I know everything I needed to know
i will watch mandalorian
Spoilers… Bye Bye IGN
Thanks for the title spoiler! Great job…
you had to explain so much where the movie doesnt give a damn to explain anything. ign doing damage control for disney huh?
There was NO explanation
Anakin did bring balance to the force but it was never going to last forever.
So they shat all over the old.movies and Vader's sacrifice
Loved it
Guys… your spoiler alert means nothing if you put the spoiler on the title of the video, you know that right? Please edit and correct that.
aaa… the title is a spoiler
Dont worry, Baby Yoda and Jedi Fallen Order have saved Star Wars again.
Thnx for the spoiler in the title
This movie renders the original pointless
He cheated the Jedi Ghost technique
I guess its my fault for wanting to watch it 1 day later
title spoiler >_>
Then technically when he be able to bring himself back to life? Again?
What typa incompetence does it take to spoil like that? Not that I didn't stop caring about SW three iterations ago but jahseh christ dude
Nice spoiler ign, WTF
And im unsubing
He learned from dark plagues the wise
To those complaining, are you morons? You clicked on the video.
Thanks for the spoiler damn
What a spoiler thumbnail
How’s Palpatine’s return a spoiler if the movie had posters of him and the actor himself was at Star Wars celebration this year?
Why the spoilery title? Why?
This may just be the absolute worst movie I have ever seen. Bad acting, horrible story.
Cheat cc ?
Star Wars: Return of the Senate
I haven't even see the movie and you are already spoiling it? A lot of couldn't got to the midnight premiere you know
The senate himself lmao
Wow, thanks for the spoiler IGN
so this basically makes anakin's sacrifice for nothing. cool.
People crying the title spoiled something need to chill. Palpatines return is not a spoiler when his whole face is on the damn poster and his voice is heard in the trailer folks
I love how they put "SPOILER ALERT" at the start of the video even though the title already spoils it before the alert.
Sigh…. At least in the expanded universe palatine's return was a limited set of clones. This new stuff man… I can't even get mad anymore.
They didnt even explain it in the movie
I really don't get it… "what she did", "she told us"
who is she?
But who cares
"Explaining nonsense."
Trouble is he was atomised by a reactor and then atomised again when it blew up, there is no corpse to reanimate…
Thanks for the major freaking spoiler.
Ill explain palpatine’s return, its a cheap move of disney to bring money to their pockets… disney doesnt care about the original 6 movies… this film ruined the entire saga
Spoiler alert after the title and thumbnail already spoils it.