Bitcoin has been fluctuating sideways for quite sometime, It seems to be boring. IN this video I will explain why this consolidations maybe good for bitcoin and we will take a look at Tim Draper bitcoin’s $250k price prediction.
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➤Why you Should NOT day Trade: https://youtu.be/Bnj_tva4pDo
➤Ray Dalio Bets Against The Market: https://youtu.be/I02duKFZCWI
➤Ray Dalio: The system is broken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtwEd…
Thank you so much for watching!
The market dynamic that is driven by the halvening is based on miners only selling half the amount of Bitcoin as before but the demand remans the same
Tim is SO wrong!… "digital gold" come on people…scarcity does not equal value…BitCoin was never designed to be a "digital gold" to "hodl". 2023 BTC will no longer exist….watch and see ?
in yhour dream. are you part of ponzi team?
thank you
BSV is the new badboy in town !!!
With the help of Hackerolesya@gmailcom I was able to generate 0.72btc within an hour.
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Draper is gonna be the second guy to lose his penis if he doesn't watch out.
Great. And a starter home will only cost 6 million dollars. The reason that Bitcoin gets to anything over 20K is the real debt crisis we are in unravels and we get runaway Zimbabwe style inflation. We won't be rich, we'll just be keeping our heads above water. BTW, I am long BTC, but let's be realistic here as well. Wall Street aka Bakkt and CME will also suppress BTC value through fractional reserve practices. How ironic that Bakkt is not backed by BTC. They are truly playing with us.
hopium hopium hopium based on moontalk from a noob
Satoshi told us when they created Bitcoin that the price will return to the cost of production. The very best mining rigs have a electricity cost of about 5200 per Bitcoin, but many miners cannot afford to keep upgrading at these prices, so it can fall back to nearly 5200 getting major support at 6200, that's the reason why you see that zone, not because of trends nor indecision, but because that's exactly what it does every single time after a rally, falls back to electric costs, just like Satoshi said it would. I made my biggest gains from bitcoin same time last year and have been doing so because I met Brandon Gaston who is able to keep his followers in profit even in the harshest of market conditions. Brandon is a pro trader and a signal provider and with his guidance and services, I made over 12BTC growth in my portfolio in the last correction season. Well, I am not stopping now as this is another opportunity and Its only fair I encourage others to find a competent trader like him and copy trades for maximum profitability. Brandon can be reached via Telegram (@Bgaston) for his assistance on all crypto related issues..
Warrens quote is completely over used at this stage and it's being used to justify shit buying in bearish markets. Bitcoin is consolidating in a bear market which means very likely to continue down. 5500 is my target
I think Bitcoin 2 at $1.81ea is great for my budget. I can see BTC 2 going much higher.
draper's a crook.
Dumb + ++ On any given day you can find promises of $100k, $250k, $1,000,000 (and SOON!!). Does showing them regurgitating their wish fulfillment mean anything?
Buy Bitcoin 2 it's only $1.79 ea
Buy Bitcoin 2
The price of BTC2 is going up now it's $1.74ea much better than paying $7435.00 for one Bitcoin. The biggest no-brainer ever.
168 masternode's and growing. The biggest no-brainer ever.
to break ATH, the alt season should start so WHALES make much $$$ and then flow it into BTC. But they also should hold BTC price at 10-15k LEVELS (at least.. or even closer to ATH), drop dominance to 10-15% and then all those $$ earned on SHEEPS will flow into BTC to make it 50-100k! Like.. ALTs is a fuel for BTC to break ATH and go beyond… ALTs have always been and always will be a tool to pump BTC
Do the Apposite lol
Too many damn adds
Thanks for the great content, I Appreciate the detailed analysis given… I Ran into a video in early this year, I found so many people showering accolades to a man named Ivan Peterson who has made a great impact to so many young crypto investors and newbies since last year, some said he has the best strategy to trade Bitcoin, so I reached out to him and he gave me the best tips to excel in the world of Crypto. Now I don’t just Hodl, I make more gains, after 3 months I can boast of increasing my Portfolio from 7Btc to *39Btc*, all Thanks to Ivan’s Almighty formula for Trading, You can reach out to him through hisTelegram- @Ivantrading44
I have only a portion of BTC. Anybody here have atleast 1?
Of course some rich investor says btc to 250k…he need the liquidity to dump on your heads Dumbo's!
At 4:10 he shows he is lying
It's will reach 250k usd
Hello welcome back ???
how many btc would you recommend buying?
ponzi does it.
I think by the time 250000K comes around I won t care about the dollar because ,first the dollar will be worth less and 1 Bitcoin will still be 1 Bitcoin…secondly on-off ramps will be such that I can purchase in Bitcoin and the app we will use by then will automatically convert to whatever currency the merchant /recipient needs. Bitcoin IS "The Peaceful Revolution"!!!!
why are old ppl so damned repetitive in their speech…early sign of dementia
May be go 250$?
It is not crypto or precious metals. Unless we goto a mad max scenario, Precious metals are not taking off. Crypto wants to be once mass adopted. Lightning network wants to kick off, and millions of transactions per second wants to make look like a piece of shit. Start thinking people and stop listening to the mainstream media and DYOR. Start looking at the world's economy and look where it's headed. Crypto is the future and with Coach Ross sending me daily signals i make consistent and secure profit daily. If you need to start making money off bitcoin trading you can seek for Coach Ross's assistance. Coach Ross can be contacted on W-h-at-s-A-p-p-_ ( -+32 460 24 85 29– ) or
T-e-l-e-g-r-a-m(-@Cryptooracle) for his assistance on all crypto related issues for assistanceOnly if the mainstream financial institutions allow it to be used as a means of transaction.
if you had told me that you wrote a latter to Santa to make bitcoin 250k for Christmas, i would say ok, it's a good video. but you have to be desperate as hell to believe that guy.