This large folding brushless GPS drone includes a 1080p HD camera and easily flies over 20 minutes per charge. Find it here and use coupon code e97135 https://goo.gl/GNLMqf
– Folding drone for easy portability.
– 1806 brushless motors.
– Accurate GPS/GLONASS positioning. Includes automatic return to home and landing on command, loss of signal, and low voltage.
– 1080p HD camera that records directly to micro SD card. Camera lens can be remotely swiveled up or down.
– Flight control, FPV video, and camera parameters are controlled through your phone using the SJ GPS Pro app available on Play here https://goo.gl/YLtUQV and iTunes here https://goo.gl/153ZV4.
– Very long flight time per battery charge. I easily got over 21 minutes on its first flight. Also available for purchase with 1, 2, or 3 batteries.
– Uses 802.11ac WiFi. Not every phone has this WiFi. Before purchasing this drone, it is very important to first verify that your phone is indeed capable of using 802.11ac WiFi.
– Does not have image stabilization or stabilized gimbal.
– Advertised 400 to 500 meter FPV range is VERY unlikely. I got maximum FPV range of about 200 meters in the open desert with very little WiFi interference.
– Somewhat heavy at 490 grams with battery.
– Some of the Android app’s advanced features were buggy in their use. And some features such as waypoints and gesture control just did not seem to work.
This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding “free” video editor here http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor
Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.
“Awel” by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.
Find it here and use coupon code e97135 https://goo.gl/GNLMqf
Anyone know how to check antenna on sj11?
my phone only supports 802.11 a/b/g/n…. and it works with FPV
please, change the place of testing. desert, desert, desert, no details,…….or is it an aim, an intention from your person, PLEASE?
I do not know how to turn back on the camera live streaming.. when I turned it on for the very first time it worked great but now I can't get it to work at all and I don't think it's linked up to the app.. any help would be appreciated
What’s the flight time?
I'm having a issue with the app, some reason cámara doesn't comunícate with cell phone. I connect phone with drone but app doesn't do anything doesn't give me any information at all. Any suggestions?
Thankyou so much for the great vid, just got mine and thanks to you i had a great 1st flight, does this drone record audio when you are in video mode ??
Can you turn off that beep sound?
Is it compatible with any eachine vr goggles?
Good day, quadcopter 101, my sjrc f11 the wifi will gone after 2 minute or less, I notes that when I take out the sd card it is hot,is this normal for f11?
Smooth vedeo ??
I want to thank you for good complte clear revieuw QuadCopter101 ! Now im gona do the calibration..Great day ;))
The drone actually returned HOME to the exact same spot from which it left. The last time it was brought in and shut off/restarted, it was not on the pad but about 1m to the side…it was manually returned so GPS placed it where it was last…..BTW, a later version of the app fixes the beep, gesture mode, and a few other things. Androids were having a problem with the early app..
How do I find out if my phone, Samsung S9+ is 5G capable?
What type of phone are you using for the F11 drone?
Didb anyone tried to put strongers motors, or can someone suggest wich one to put in it. Why I ask this is because I plan to do battery mod which gonna cause weight increase? !
Has anyone had issues with the video quality of the drone in Follow Me mode? When i activate Follow Me and start moving, the drove does follow me, but does so in a very 'jerky' way, almost like hopping, or a bunch of stop and go. the resulting picture is dizzying to look at. I've looked all over for a solution but can't find anything. Any suggestions/ideas?
I really like this drone. I have never purchased from Banggood. I live in the US, do you recommend I save and buy from China warehouse or should I spend a little more and purchase from US Warehouse?
fish eyes lens are so stupid….video looks like
Mavic pro 1 is better
Great video review QC101. Is there a way to monitor the bird's battery via the app? You had to land it to check remaining battery power. A huge oversight on the makers part.
Not sure I like this drone to much messing about with combos buttons it's like some kind of video game from the 90s need a cheat book remember them ..
Can't get the app to connect to my s9 phone.
Which phone do u usw? How big can it be to fit in the controller?