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This is a video for everyone that flies with Betaflight default pid´s and want to improve the handling of the quad but don’t have the patience to watch the complicated 30 min vids available.
A simple and easy way to tune your quad!
I know that I am no expert in tuning but hopefully that will make more pilots get better flying quad. Not everything is 100% correct and I am sure their will be a lot of opinion from guys with a better technical knowledge then me.
Spec of the quad:
Frame: HalroRC frame (http://halorc.uk)
Motors: Tmotor F40 v3 2400 kv
Lipo: Max Amps 5s 1500 mah
Esc: Speedix 20a
FC: Dys FC pro
Vtx: Aomway 600mW
Antenna: Foxeer
Cam: Foxeer 600m
Gopro session 5
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Finally the clearest explanation on YT. Thanks!
Nice flying! And thanks for your teaching!
Years later this video is still my favorite you explained it tooo perfect man i appreciate you for this video
Thank you very much ??

I believe Einstein once said " if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough", awesome video ?
I love your simple explanation. "too high, this happens, too low this happens." ive been flying for over a year and tuning has always been scary. this helps a lot! #sharingiscaring
Super nice flying I have a question.When I find my quad just barely normal speed flat it looks like I get some little bump in movements like you’re some air tribulations but it is totally calm outside and the ideal where I need to tune?
Nice sir, very helpfull, salam dari indonesia
My P on pitch was like 70 and the quad still cheeks up on throttle
do you have your tpa_mode set to D or PD?
good shit. and the quad is nice tuned
Tack! Short and to the point
I always have to look at Stinger Swarms PID video for a look back. This I have to say, "you dummy proofed for us dummies." Thank you!!
it would be perfect if there would be footage of all the actual oscilations in e. g
THX !!! And yes his 10 steps are much better the 30min "bla bla" from @Joshua Bardwell's explanation?
keep going BRO.
Thank you for making this PID tuning video! Very helpful and great flying, that thing is locked in!
Maan that is the best video about PID so far! You explained perfectly every therm and its role on the performance of the quad! Now I really could understand the aplicability of each term! Thanks man! It was great help!
Over the course of almost a year I watched several videos about PIDs and very little understood. If I had run into your video before, I would have been more successful. Crystal clear explanation! I encouraged myself to post my attempt to pid tunnig without success. Now I'll try your method and I'll make another video. Thank you! https://youtu.be/eqUm3dYYcQY
Great video man, going to try this out.
Good info. Are there some general guidelines, like a stretched X frame always has more or less P-term on pitch than on roll, for instance? So it will be easier to have a baseling tune to start from, depending on frame type?
all this can be aplied to betaflight 4.0.2 or i am wrong?
Thank you.
Nice, i will be trying your method
Simple and easy to understand for me as newbies. Thank for very informative tips
I sub just because this video help me out so much. Me pid's were way to high and I got osolations all the time in fast hard turns and punch outs. Every one said that it was d gain they said tune it out as propwash and I tried everything and did not work. I didn't know anything thing about how to pid tune. I just wanted to fly how it was then I got higher kv motor then it went down hill. I just figured I would just ignore it but it just bothered me so bad. I went through so much trouble. Then I looked up pid tuning on YouTube and I watched a tone of videos and they didn't teach me anything, they just pid tuned there kwad they didn't say what did what and what happens if this is to high or to low, then I watched this and it help a tone. Thanks so much ?
A great tutorial. Probably the best. Put so well, it is easily understandable. A++.
o.k. I am having to go through this a couple of times, but Thank you, Makes it more of a Understanding for me,,
Bardwell needs to take notes from you!! Well done! Liked and subscribed!!! Thanks for a great video!!
Okay I finally am starting to understand PID tunes! Thanks a lot for the great explanation!
Excellent. Just what I needed. Cheers.
accent interesting. where from you?
Definitely the best pid tuning tutorial on YouTube hands down. Thank you for posting this
Beginner question: Do you connect a laptop to the FC every time you want to modify some of those settings? Thanks!
Very helpfull video man???? but really hard to understand u?
i head gun shots ??best PID explained.
Quick and dirty!!! Nice Video subed and liked!
very useful…thanks