If Institutional Investors Allocate just 1% of their Funds into Bitcoin, the price will explode! But How Close is Wall Street to Entering?? REALISTICALLY?
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Australia’s Oldest Bank (Not Bitcoin) Embroiled in Massive Money Laundering Scandal
Australia’s Oldest Bank (Not Bitcoin) Embroiled in Massive Money Laundering Scandal
HSBC to Track $20 Billion in Assets on a Blockchain Next Year
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This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This information could’ve been doctored or misrepresented by the internet. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. This information is not intended to slander harm or defame any of the actors involved but to show what was said through their social media accounts. Please take this information and do your own research.
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with this video you earned another sub
Epstein didn't kill himself.
Great Video!!! Keep up the good work, please ?
I have almost 5% of my investment portfolio in 41 cryptocurrencies.
Im from Aus and didnt hear bout that Westpac bank fraud stuff till now
BAKKT, is Wallstreet in disguise.
Thanks for content… best regards from Florida
Hey Austin, Bitcoin will never be regulated and or used as a currency because big banks dont make money that way, they like to launder and cheat people with their hard earned money, they like this system and have no intention of changing it!
Germany's banks will be involved in Crypto starting in January 2020. Close enough?
The article about Germany's banks being involved in Crypto by Jan 2020 is from decrypt.co
Good content bro, thanks for sharing!
Gimme a break! Mnuchin was clear about fiat not being used for nefarious activities! Would you not trust the word of a politician?!?!? What world are we living in geeeez
"The time frame has changed , but we dont mind having to wait"
thats VERY
OK if you sum up PARTS of a very interesting podcast with important people, cos i dont have the time to listen to 1h long podcasts myself. thank you! ??
Well yeah, the custody solutions are being put in place now, we are at the very start of institutional interest.
There is a shed load of institutional interest in & use of XRP without any doubt.
Looks like a low to me. buy buy buy!
So when you speak about "buying" are you meaning that they are taking long position or the fact that they just trading in the market? I am just trying to say, that it doesnt have to be a news that it means that we are seeing numbers going up. In fact: These pro traders will short the shit out of this market, once they get their hands on it*. It could actually be a bad news for bitcoin / crypto.
*edit: if the main indicators suggest we are in a bear market Once we are in bull mode, it could of course mean they long the shit out of it. So depends on the market structure in the current moment.
OG’s ?
I would say that half your comments are from Aussies. That is interesting
Westpac are toast … can’t wait to make the phone call and pull all my money out.
Biggest crims of all!
most interesting interview I've seen in a log time…
I think its great news the cartel isn't wanting to go full (for now). The way the whole thing is set up, with portfolio managers having a throne to defend in their pyramid chain of command, meanwhile the time goes by and then… " oops!"…! they may realize that "instrinsic value" can be found in other things than a centralized entity or commonly known assets
That's very valuable to hear an honest interview from somebody with extensive direct experience in the institutional investment world' regarding Bitcoin. It makes me want to keep tuning in.
"It's gonna take time". – that's the who point, these things take years to develop.
Wallstreet will be in Bitcoin when price be like 300k. In between users are bucket shop traders waisting time.
Buy 1 BTC and HODL for 10 years.
I'm from Aus. This story made the news, but you probably haven't heard we recently had a Royal Commission (national investigation) into the banking sector, and found that the entire system and biggest banks are rife with corruption, collusion, profiteering, customer rip-offs, fees for no service (including dead customers), bribery, forgery, insurance scams, and more. Basically nothing came of it though, a few slaps on the wrist. Our banking sector is a joke, the banks run the country and control our politicians and we're held hostage by them. One of the many reasons why I love cryptos!
Institutional investors already bought in when the market was high.
They’re in the process of selling it
Only the sheeple are NOT anti corrupt banks!
Altcoin, do you think it is the Ethereum blockchain which HSBC will be utilizing for tracking?
im from melbourne australia and i personally bank with westpac! it is true and i believe they had over 23 MILLION breaches. XRP Looks better and better each day
love the videos to mate great job
Wall Street is shorting it.
Austin I hope you and Aaron had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
With all respect to the others youtubers out there,but this guy rule it . My favorite one, and THE SPANISH BULL approved this message.
LOOK AT THE BANKS…. I might know one of the plaintiffs in the case. It’s real; it’s in court now. When this news breaks…..
I’m Australian all the big banks are involved in huge corruption – just had a royal commission totally corrupt – what’s not mentioned is the big Auditing firms Westpac has PWC get paid millions to NOT find millions of breach’s – what a massive transnational money laundering racket it all is – the world desperately need decentralisation – which trusted third party do you trust politicians bankers religions trusted third parties my arse
They only need to ask us to show them a 1K BTC and we'd dump for them if they wanted a safe entry. They'd be crazy buying BTC anything over 2k .
would you buy a full BTC when the price is around $100k?
Aron, since you bring great videos, I thought I share this, see this video https://youtu.be/Tt49h5oiEEI beyond 25 min till end. Wall street and ice and baakt look benign, but they all do dirty games of rehypothication. We should not get too excited with walls street , baakt buying Bitcoin, they may hurt the market, especially given that baakt is not allowing withdraw of bitcoins beyond their warehouse, see this https://youtu.be/1ZsZwoDAZIY. Would appreciate some insight, investigation…thanks for the great videos and hard work you put in.
Wall Street doesn’t understand Bitcoin that is good for us underdogs
Hey Aaron – another superb video, I'm so glad I found the channel! Super informative as ever. Happy Thanksgiving fella.
A lot of folks are moving to Bitchute.com to upload; I think you may benefit from them.
Regarding the Westpac story, that's more about their lack of monitoring transactions when they were advised in advance about suspicious low value money transfer activities to certain countries of the world (i.e child exploitations). It happened on the CEO's watch therefore he needed to steep down along with other high memebers to come. Not sure how Bitcoin fixes this?
why do we even want wall street to come in…
Australian here, Westpac Bank is guilty of its awareness of "child exploitation and frequent low value payments to the Philippines and South East Asia since at least 2013".