The scream queen has returned to Mortal Kombat 11. Here are our thoughts on the latest DLC character in Mortal Kombat, Sindel. Reviewed by Mitchell …
The scream queen has returned to Mortal Kombat 11. Here are our thoughts on the latest DLC character in Mortal Kombat, Sindel. Reviewed by Mitchell …
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She’s hot!
ну и страшная тут ппц, снова фемогавно потекло в игры… как андромеда блин
Nerf Sindel pls.
Where the hell is the sindel tower in the towers of time? Is it going to appear when the Thanksgiving Day Tower is over? Cuz usually when a new DLC character comes out, there usually is a tower for them in the towers of time were you can earn gear for them
Dam kabal now sindel who else's story they gonna mess up
U should have gave her a 8.1 for the retconned story.
Slow news day ? Why review just one character lol
She’s not a deplorable person, she’s a loving mother who was ruined by useless writers
Not a fan of this trend in fighters of them taking out series mainstays and selling them as dlc.
Is it weird or there was no lasting appeal to Mortal Kombat 11 after beating the story. Sure the Krypt is great and all. But…… Playing only for costumes is not the best selling point to keep me coming back.
I can clearly see magnetos moves in her, Mortal Combat isn't the same. The flying and that heavy hit while flying.
Why are Sindel, Shang Tsung and Nightwolf dlc characters? They should’ve been in the main game to begin with. Such if waste of three slots of not adding cameo characters from other games and movies.
I love her. Played her a lot already
Block strings? Did he say she hardly has any block strings? What's a block string?
Im happy she's coming out, but i hate how they messed up her story and how long it took for her to come out , i bet they aren't even finished working on the rest of the dlc characters.
"Great selection of outfits."
[changes the outfit's colour from purple to darker purple]
By far my favorite female character by Netherrealm. Mileena who?
Mk has to be the only game besides call of duty that has no idea the type of content their players want
No my queen has NOT returned. Thats not my sindel.
The retcon is great. She is no longer a defenseless victim.
She look like centrion smh
Played her yesterdau had lots of fun with het
I thought that was Aloy ?
I can't be the only one that thinks Sindel has become a whole lot more intresting since they've changed her backstory????