We’ve spent some time with Google Stadia, here are our initial thoughts before a final review comes later this week after testing it while it’s out in the public. #ign …
We’ve spent some time with Google Stadia, here are our initial thoughts before a final review comes later this week after testing it while it’s out in the public. #ign …
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How does it play over internet that isn’t San Francisco or a major city?
If you dont like a little bit of lag then you dont like a challenge
Oh cool i have 50mpbs I can stadia ?
Everything about this review screams red flag to me.
I wish you would disclose if you play through Ethernet or Wi-Fi
Pretty decent internet connection is 125 mbs?!?!?!
Wait til a bunch of people actually sub to it… bet it's a lagfest
Pass. I'll stick with PlayStation consoles.
So a wired mouse and keyboard has more lag than a wireless controller? Thanks but no thanks.
The real question is going to be: when the ps5 launches, is it going to be a better deal to get Google Stadia instead?
How much data will be needed/used for 6 hour gameplay everyday?
Something tells me beard man 1 (left) is desperately trying to cover up Beard man 2's (right) negative comments…. Obviously Beard man 2 didn't get the "Google have bunged us a ton of money to positively promote this!" memo.
So like, it's difficult to reach to verdict of review so we make this video to tell that it's difficult to give final decision
1:33 name of the game??????????????????
The fact that a major single player multiplat game like Fallen Order isn't on here is both weird and disappointing
Bow tie… Starry black shirt… I don't know you, sir, but do I sense a Whovian?
Getting a vibe that people kind of just WANT this to fail regardless of if it works or not, only gripe I have is the game selection
Comments section
5% : Stadia
95% : "Hipster fashion"
How awesome would it be if he was Kevin and he refers to himself in the 3rd person. Also, is this a preview of the review?
Common level outfit. Exotic bow tie. Max level Hipster. Raid ready
10/10 makes you feel the lag
For the people in the comments worrying about what he's wearing, how about you worry about yourself? This was a Google Stadia review in progress not a fashion review video. People on the comments always acting like they're so perfect.
Lag lag lag lag lag lag!
Why not let us play games from the google play store?
Did not expect Tom to look like that.
It’s like Nintendo switch but you can play on your phone