The World's Fastest Portable Charger

It’s called the Elecjet Apollo Max and it uses graphene technology to charge 10000 mAh in around 20 minutes. FOLLOW ME IN THESE PLACES FOR UPDATES …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Manufacturers keep selling their products marking them in mAh which is pretty much meaningless unless you are comparing batteries of the same voltage. It's even worse since all power banks state mAh of the cell inside the power bank, which is usually 3.7V, not 5V – the nominal output of a USB charger. So effectively a 10000 mAh powerbank is 37000 mWh (the real energy stored) and not 50000 mWh (what the marking may make you think). So the question here is: what is the real energy stored in this battery in mWh? Effectively, I'm asking the nominal voltage of a graphene cell…

  2. One of the most concurrent dream I have is that. Will breaks into my home and dances bachata for 2 hours straight before he starts to abuse and hits me then he hopes out my window and leaves.

  3. If I’m not mistaken, since it is graphene it is technically a capacitor that does not use chemical reactions to charge and thus the storage should never change and should always be 100% for the life of the product instead of dropping over time like lithium ion batteries do.

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