Riot Games’ new title is based in the League of Legends universe and brings many of its most popular Champions into a whole new genre. See how they level …
Riot Games’ new title is based in the League of Legends universe and brings many of its most popular Champions into a whole new genre. See how they level …
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Cool transitions
Riot can't be original once again
better than blizzard
first a chest game then this card game whats next? survival? rougelike? battle royal?
thanks riot
i'm league fans since 2011!
Now they can put "riot gameS" cuz they have another game
What game is this? Im on oc were can i get it?
Animations are really clean and stylish. I wonder if they will stay that way weeks after play? Just going to have to stick around to see
Some of the characters don't have the same voices
Sounds like a voice leak update in the future
This card evolution system looks interesting actually..
Is that…
A children's…
CArd gAmE?
Time to Main Yasuo in another game
1:05 damn this brings back memories
I saw dota cards game fall before let's see how this one do. But I got to say these animations are amazing
Best Company ever.
league card game?lol cause the dota one worked out so well
Thats not a fighting game…
Did they acquire that studio for nothing?
Lux is flat in that thumbnail
"Care for a game of gwent?"
Riot is dragging down blizzard while their down. they have a card and a fps skill based shooter now.
And this is for pc or phones?
Generic as can be. Nothing new being done here for gaming. Same crap seen on mobile just under a known developer
Wut ? That was amazing!!!
will it be included in the pc version ?