https://HEX.win Claim free HEX tokens. The first high interest blockchain Certificate of Deposit (time deposit.) Get rich this bull market! Programmed to pump. Stake it till you make it! Richard Heart: Blockchain thought leader, cryptocurrency investor, author, serial entrepreneur, Bitcoin OG
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00:50 Buy The Dip
01:14 Richard's Shills
02:28 Price Will Go Up (RSI History vs Price History)
03:10 PLUS Token Ponzi
04:17 Tether-BTC Price Relationship (and Why We Got Into Crypto)
08:57 Challenge to Debate Live
09:33 Trading Advice Summary
11:49 Richard's Health
12:17 Audit and Fix
12:58 Timeline
13:08 Snapshot in November
13:24 Wallets
13:45 Website Changes
13:53 Staking Rewards and Whale Penalties
15:26 Longer Pays Better Security
16:55 3D Printed Hex Misspelling
17:48 BTC and HEX Comparison on Website
18:30 Mailing List (15,000)
Chat Questions (18:46)
19:39 Finishing Up HEX
20:05 On Price Calls
21:08 Gaining Weight
21:19 Richard IS the Front-End Developer
22:23 HEX Merch
22:41 Retail Shipping Problems
23:24 Onboarding Whales / Exchange / Different Demographics
23:58 Referral Links and Security Through Email
26:01 BAKKT and Futures
27:54 No New Retail Money?
29:09 JRE on UFOs and Fighter Jets
30:02 Stablecoin Comparisons
30:54 BitMex Alternatives ( Richardheart.win )
31:45 Current Pump
32:13 Long-Term Effects of Exchange / Tether Failure
37:13 Tether Benefits and Problems
39:30 When Lambos and Big Tiddies?
39:45 Fear of Buying
40:37 ChainLink
40:54 Hex To Change Finance
41:30 Gratitude
41:44 Brass Knuckles
42:08 On Cursing
42:21 USDT / BTC / USD Prices
43:02 Pricing BTC in Gold
43:30 Earth Meat Richard?
43:39 FOMOtubers
44:19 Daily Chart Death Cross
44:43 Eminem (and Scary Movie 3)
45:56 Richard's REKT Experiences
46:27 10K and TA
48:13 Death Cross (In 10 Days)
51:56 RSI Current (35) and History
55:10 EOY Price Targets
56:18 Compliments and Richard's Past
57:33 Buying Sh*tcoins
57:44 HEX Timeline
58:08 Changing Diet / Exercise Plans
59:28 Haircuts
01:00:13 Privacy Coins and Privacy on HEX
01:01:13 Typing Speed
01:01:30 Cutting Carbs
01:01:54 HEX Release soon
01:02:43 Habits
01:03:54 Sleep (7 Hours)
01:04:17 Test Claim Tool
01:04:25 HODLing and Patience
01:05:06 Calling 20K and Advice
01:06:23 Telling the Truth and Unfollowers
01:07:32 Gold VS Bitcoin Price
01:07:58 HEX Merch
01:08:12 HEX Shilling Needed
01:08:49 No Delaying HEX Launch
01:09:27 Longing VS Shorting
01:11:16 Shorting Herbalife Pyramid
01:12:16 HEX Weight Loss Bonus Idea + Nonsense
01:14:02 Best Wallet for HEX ( Electrum.org )
01:14:44 Lost GOX Coins
01:16:00 Taking Actions that Scale
01:18:18 BTC Price in Economic Crisis
01:19:20 HEX Exchanges
01:21:34 HEX Accessories
01:22:17 Necessary Kicks In the Butt
01:22:45 Spreading HEX Awareness
01:25:35 Unfollowers on Twitter
01:26:11 Fighting Abilities
01:27:33 Stock-to-flow Ratio
01:27:39 PLUS Token Ponzi
01:28:30 Gold Multiples
01:28:51 Richard Shills
01:30:39 EMA Bullishness
01:31:16 Positives of Ethereum
01:32:32 HEX Surpassing BTC Market Cap
01:34:26 BitTorrent Token
01:39:31 Boobs Make Men Dumb
01:40:01 Richard's Shills
01:41:24 Margin Requirements for Longs and Shorts in Crypto
01:43:52 Good Job Chat
01:44:33 Estonia Talk at CryptoFinConf
01:44:58 Conclusion
I am building a trading bot and trying to find out whether Python is the way to go to code it ?? Thanks in advance !! And bitcoin blessings !!
Loving your attitude !! Is gold going to do x10 ?? This what I have been advicing people. Sell your gold for bitcoin. I love this crypto space. I admit, I am still trying to figure it but it's very fun at the same time. What I have figured out is it is heavy manipulate.
Tell it like it is big dog from the crypto hood
Do those who continually make bad calls…("by October BTC will be $xxxxx" ""Huge rise this weekend!" – it drops $1000, etc) ever acknowledge these bad calls?
your bs coin will cost me in taxes! moron. ill make sure the IRS knows your name.
"When lambo" "'Well you've got half of it I guess" loooooool
Richard Heart = Bitcoin pumper and pantie dropper
You can make it more clear by starting from the same price.
I think decentralized exchanges will be big soon after traditional exchanges start to fall down (cryptopia, coinexchange just to name a few). I am really into BCZ project. The devs are just outstanding… At some point they invented a whole new technology of KNIFE, and they have done the world's first and ONLY quadruple knife with Bitcoin CZ. Now they are working on DEXX which should be truly decentralized, easy to use and no KYC… dark net at its best! It's a community project and I am positive it'll go 1,000x within the next few years!
We as traders we use stablevoins to back up value when prices are going down – however me personaly I do not use USDT but I use USDC as it is less risky
– If you are hodler then that's different story as you don't need to use stable coins as you just invested to hold and believe. Maybe you are stupid – just lucky one who managed to by BTC cheap – or there is some inteligence you can share
Exept cursing and calling your subs Stupid:) No offence man – just how I see it from a side
You would loose about 10 pounds if you took off all the jewelry
Actually, just saw on the website a step by step. Are there any risks involved with the process of claiming?
When are you gonna get rid of that ridiculous candelabra? It's crooked and ugly stocked with those hideous candles.. ??
noob question but how do you claim?
Richard Hart first and foremost is an assshole, narcissist, selfish, all around douchebag that drinks his own Kool-Aid. Why anyone listens to this fuqtard is beyond me. Richard Hart is the same retard that also predicted 25k btc back in 2017 then got butt hurt when it didn't happen. Fuck this soft spoken cry baby.
Buy the dip and don't short.
Wheres a tutorial on how to sign using a Ledger Nano X?
You could have done this whole 2 hours while riding an indoor cycle……remember how steve jobs didnt focus on curing his disease.
Clenbuterol for weight loss.
What do you think will happen during a recession to bitcoin?
more bull shit
"Moon boys get wrecked like a bitch. I smack your faces!" XD
@Richard Heart Have you tried CBD oil? It'll help you with stress, without slowing you down. Provacan is the best brand. their 1200mg version is the best value.
Good truth
careful leaving the room. best turn sideways to get your head out I have. been in this since 09 when ITV news told me about bitcoin. Calm the Belief your king ding a ling.
i'm enjoying…. honesty and being hated….:):):)
Do you know you only need to make $11.50 per hour to make $100,000 in a year, if you make money 24 hours per day? why spend 50-100 dollars signing up for classes or buying books on quick rich schemes when you can invest a fraction of that today and watch it grow. Invest as little as $10 today and get financially liberated. send email right away for more information
I never see your notifications
Thank you
Thanks for the content. Any idea where all the Plus Token BTC are? Have they been driving the price down?
Buying BTC downside/////loose $20,0000 on 2 BTC. Buying BTC downside////// gaining the possibility of walking away with FU%K YOU money. I'll play!!!!!!
love your frankness, and realistic expectations positive or negative. GJ.
hi sir heart. got a question..
u were the absolut authentic bitcoin maximalist.
to me it seems like you thought, if the people are that stupid and if they dont get after 10 years of history, that every coin, expect bitcoin is a shitcoin, then they stupid idiots can buy hex and the smart people, that only buy btc, can claim hex and dump that hex on the stupid people, they will never get, that there will never be a second coin.. you said, it could take ten more years of shitcoins and moneyraising.. so there is a place to be for hex and we can get richer…. right??
am i right, sir Heart?? thanks a lot and pls excuse my question. i am a fan, but i am not sure anymore.. u might loose ur athenticity.. if ur serious with hex…
i think so, because you are the real bitcoin maximalist and destroyed everyone like roger ver and now you come out with hex.?? whaaaat th bf???. i cant believe that you jump on that train too. i think you build a train for that kind of stupid people, but you are too smart, you are my hero, so you are not like them.. am i right????? sir heart… yes i am right, i am so fucking right,,,, i am craigh right!!!
i only buy btc and am afraid to claim hex, dont know why am afraid to claim hex, but it is weird to me.., but i love your shows-…. my uncle would say, you are an original