Bitcoin holders get ready, a big move is about to happen. Altcoins stay steady and go down with Bitcoin. BTC dominance is still low. Let’s take a look at all the news from today.
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Its ironic (is that the word), or telling (or is it that one) that the more the big banks and governments (is there a difference between the two anymore?) play dirty, the more they lose control by pushing more and more people towards these decentralised, safe forms of trading/transacting. It makes me both sad and happy; sad because the rich only get more so, and vice versa, and happy because eventually people will just have had enough and we'll do something about it.
Richmond Hill Ontario, a city just North of Toronto has formally announced they are now accepting BTC for payment of Property Tax.
As a result, altcoins topple bitcoin. It is extremely inconvenient to use.
woooow! Until now simply cannot realize I just made $505 with this excellent website here: MyEasyOnlineJobs (type in google with no spaces)
Again most of retail investors will be kept out of trading on bakkt. Cause u need close to 1/2 a btc to even get in. Not a couple hundred. Not a thousand. Like 5k
You said it was "August 19th" at intro
Zilliqa will be okay!!
Uhm . . . Soon or Later . . . Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Litecoin . . . will be "Life-Changing Wealth."
Bitcoin is your stash of value (savings) – the other Crypto s for daily use purposes- what’s not to understand ?
Mining and trading on the new coins which has potential value to rise in no time in the future increases your chances of earning big gains and become rich with bitcoin. Well to go straight to the point without mincing words, the Pax tokens, Ripple, Dogecoin, , Siacoin, litecoin, buzzcoin, Verge and Antshares/Neo are what I am currently investing in, and I have already started gaining little profits from some of them already, for example when I invested in Verge, I started on very little and now I am at $11000, I also use a currency prediction mining tool that helps me as well, I will not divulge into that now. The secret I have learned in crypto coin investment is that. 1 what will raise the value of the coin? 2. Who stands behind the coin. 3, where and how can I realize profits. I run my investments with a strategy that guarantees high value of the coins I mentioned. If you would like to have in on what I am experiencing now. Contact expert for more info.Telegram or WhatsApp number: +1559 295 2596 rose96771ATgmail.com
Great Thanks
Big things will deff. Come ????
Marketcap calculation information: Read until you understand it. In the example shown in the linked medium article, only $23 million can increase the total Bitcoin marketcap of 1 billion dollars. Different factors play a role on what the outcome will be. If you don’t grasp this article, then read it until you do. Trust me, it will come in handy. https://link.medium.com/sgjfxbAF7Z Not trolling, just want you to understand. You’re a great YouTuber and this will only increase your knowledge and make you more credible.
BTC is too risky for me right now. Just bought a bunch of ALGO at .32 cents… This coin has bottomed and is ready for a run.
Are there any companies that you guys know of that are using this?
This guy says bdc ?.. it’s btc fool . Pronounce the word correctly wong
Diversity is ?! Being a maximalist all the time keeps you from getting the gains from crypto that you can convert to your favorite coin. It’s not always about the $$ but getting gains in the amount of coins you can hodl in your portfolio. When the ? goes to the ? – ?
I deposited $1.90 USD bat during your live stream wonder if you really get it thanks again George good job
plz make short videos. its too lengthy
it will break up it tested 9600 and went back up to 9800 in a minute so this means the bulls still have power and will push it back to 10000.
I agree George we should be one big happy Crypto family so share some love guys, and remember we are all pioneers for investing in a technology not widely accepted by the rest of the world.
Big price movements and Wall Street advice may be missing, but financial experts are strong in their belief that this cryptocurrency will perform well in the coming 5-year period. So, while the picture is evolving, it is clear that bitcoin investors have every reason to be optimistic about this cryptocurrency in the future. Mr. James's strategy and more will do so if we drop even lower. My guess is the bottom will be between 6.8- 7k Too much institutional investment occurring for the market not to recover soon. Feel free to contact Mr. James's for assistance, reach on *mail*( jamessamuel271@gmail.com ) or telegram +1(720)5227058
HELLO sleeper ; are talking about ZILLIQA or your self ?
bitcoin is moving up now . Relax guys !
Same message different day
BTC Exploded!! 4:00 PM EST
August 19th, lol… I had to restart the video!
Cryptocurrency investment is currently one of the best investment practices anyone can engage in. But before you invest in cryptocurrency, always make sure you understand the concept behind it and the benefits you stand to gain. Many people missed the opportunity to hold more bitcoin at its early stage, and even in this 2019 when Bitcoin dropped down to $3200+ so many people didn't take advantage of buying to hold more. It's never late to buy now because if you miss buying now and expecting to buy in the coming year, you will surely be shocked at the price it will be then. As an investor I will outrightly say, hold more Bitcoin, because with that you will be among the major elite of the bitcoin industry. I bought into Bitcoin February 2019 with the advice of a pro trader(Desmond Sydney), and he equally helped me to trading with his accurate signals and also to hold more. Now I am holding some good amount of bitcoin which I never thought I would get. If you are an early adopter or a new investor and you are looking for a way on how to trade and hold more bitcoin, I advice you you to contact him via whatsapp/ telegram On +447723506502 for all your cryptocurrency questions, strategy and beginners coaching.
Today is sept 19 you dick head
8:24 How can bitcoin be treated as a safe haven being so volatile? Gold and silver are safe havens. Neither gold nor silver drop 500 points in the course of 30 minutes. Because they are real money. Bitcoin is a speculative, mercurial x factor, and I'm starting to wonder if it will ever do any of the things that the cheerleaders constantly claim on YouTube. Some chide places like McDonalds for not accepting Bitcoin. I don't know about you, but I don't want to pay $5 for a Big Mac one minute and then $15 the 45 minutes later — or even .25c later regardless of how much I've profited or loss between those transactions.
Bitcoin is a fun gamble in the meantime but I'm starting to wonder.
Eth gotta step up its game, cmon had a 1400$ ath ?
Hey George im the only noticed you anounced wrong date? August 19th??? lol
Launching a website called back will do nothing for the price of bitcoin on day one!
I’m so confused why people think it well!
BTC dominance will continue to drop through October into November!
I think the reason for the altcoin movement is once again, Ethereum. ETH is #2 in market cap and its charts are currently not in sync with BTC as of Sep 6. When ETH double bottomed at $165 it started its climb and the Alts are following ETH just like they did with BTC. You should be looking at the chart for Eth now as it may be moving the market. Just my opinion.
Even though Bitcoin has been experiencing frequent fluctuations, we believe that Bitcoin will soar up as per the predictions stated above. There are several reasons which led to Bitcoin’s price fall like Bitcoins being used for illicit purposes and so many past mishaps like hacking and thefts. Pros outperformed the cons, hence Bitcoin is still the market leader, bagging the number one position and maintaining its position. Bitcoin might reach the $15,500 mark supposedly by the end of 2019 as the year holds good prospect and development for BTC like NASDAQ launching BTC future, that too in the very beginning of 2019. everybody should buy more and join the gain, for me i advice you multiply the little you have with Chris Dave Allen, i was able to make 12btc with 1.5btc in 2 weeks with the same strategy, You can reach him on email (chrisdaveallen36 @ gmail. com)
What I dont understand is why btc maxies think xrp has to die… it's the other way around… I mean come on now we all know what btc maxies are. O and I hold both btc and xrp.
Bakkt can be negative aswell. They will try to manipulate crypto as much as they can.
BTC maximalist are far from being annoying compared with the XRP crew, they are going to 10k next wednesday (conservatively)! lol
Did you say August 19th???