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Bitcoin is going to BREAKOUT Earlier than expected!!!!? We will show you EXACTLY Where it might breakout!! 9th of October can be the Price for Bitcoin to watch out for BTC to BREAKOUT!!! Will Altcoins BOOM with Bitcoin potentially breaking out!?
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Nice video sir
Tаke yоur bitcоins tо mу chаnnel
The last two months, I have made over 75k from Bitcoin, but my success never started that way as I had made substantial losses before my turning point in the Crypto space. I bought 3.5Btc last year which quickly rose in the bull run but eventually lost most of it and sold off what was left. That was the last I would ever have to do with bitcoins until I was introduced to Julius Gregersen. At first of, he asked to know my trade experience. He then gave me a quick insight on what to look out for when choosing a platform and a bunch of other things most experienced traders may never tell you. Most importantly, he introduced me to his specially designed layout and provided me with professional advice and accurate trade signals. With his system, trading has become easy and profitable, and I want to spread the word and thereby help as many that are in my previous unfortunate situation. For all questions, you can reach by (juliusgregesen7@gmailcom)
Great reminder on what traders should do best: cut into the meat of the bear and bull trend, disregard the fat of the bottoms and tops of the pigs!
The Breakout is truly just around the corner for Bitcoin, direction is South, Bitcoin's dominance RSI just broke trend so watch out.. alts ?????? !
Scorpio peeps are cool!?
The dump.came earlier
before that guy saying it is my birthday i was just thinking what a coincidence 9 october..
And you Moon Boys are wrong again.
And you Moon Boys are wrong again.
You need réel confirmation before you get in on altcoins… use Vortex indicator it’s the best to let you know if you should get in or wait
Guys your great we can't buy roobee in Canada , we can't know when Bitcoin will break( Let alone dates I smashed the like found you through Davincj
You 2 good friends?
You should share your altcoins pick… in preparation for a probable alt season. Crypto Chico did it ?
Early birthday present for Libras …big moves coming October
no one knows when is the time, its all BS.
The duo brainwashing youtubers leading their sheeply bitcoiners to hell ..,not realising that btc is going to 3 digits and eventually 0 .
Today we have an Important Indicator… like everyday
Cutest Couple in Crypto! ?️?
Such a manly thumbnail !

You are awesome guys!
Started ?
Now again..Great,, i am ready.
Love Carl!!!!!
This is a bull flag not a descending or symmetrical triangle.