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#Bitcoin #BTC #Crypto
Bizonacci BOGGED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV5QlSgq7lg
Sygnum SEBA Article: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/licenses-awarded_-world-s-first–crypto-banks–game-changer–for-switzerland/45187400
Bitwala: https://www.bitwala.com/
Do not doubt, this is real, don't wait any long because bitcoin keep rising everyday, bitcoin double up is never ending its get bigger every day,so dont miss this opportunity today act now before it's too late contact Robert WhatsApp +16826515439 or hackerrobert08@gmail.com
Digital bitcoin is more fysical than fysical fiat
symetrical triangle
sunny take a look at the bakkt connection no one is talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnumWhDLlQ8
I believe we see the grassroot joining bitcoin not in this bullmarket, but maybe the next. Central banks still have a firm grip on "normal/elder" people – the still trust them (for no reason at all). I agree it is a generational thing, so it is more likely to take 30-40 years to really play out. Be patient ;-D
Mach mal wieder ein Deutsches Video, ich hatte damals deine Gründe warum du dich zurück gezogen hast nicht verstanden.
Looks more like a descending triangle
put it on the ledger 3Nm6EV6kFzBPrpNd1USUosRXczicW8NtRM
good to see how bitcoin is been recognized, despite the fluctuations i keep making my earnings with team George.
Sunny: URGENT and IMPORTANT !!! The main crypto exchange in thailand (where I am from) is closing down, causing a massive sell off. In 20 minutes the price dropped over 3.000 usd, bottoming at 6.500 !!!! …. aaaaaargh! No idea what could be the reason, perhaps some insider information about something to happen, or the incoming Chinese crypto bank coin. nevertheless, be informed and be … scared?
Thanks for the great pep talk…. much needed!
The goal of every investor in my opinion should be to grow a portfolio in this very volatile market by limiting his actual funds input apart from initial capital. It makes a lot of sense growing a 2 btc portfolio into over 6 btc in just 2 weeks not by buying more coins but by trading aided with strategies/daily signals developed and provided by Sabastian Cato (can be reached for assistance on catosabastian@gmailcom ). What makes the difference between winning or losing is the knowledge fountain one is exposed to and Sabastian is a right source
I’m on welfare and have 15 Bitcoins…the world is my bitch! When it hits $1,000,000 in going down to Wall St. to take a shit on that bull’s head. Then I’m going to take a piss on the front doors of the NYSE. Then after that I’m flying to Washington D.C. to take a shit in front of the White House…then piss on Congress. Then I’m going run naked down Hollywood Blvd. and fart on of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s star on the Walk of Fame…
I'm older, like bitcoin, can't stand the games people play.
So with these ""bitcoin banks" popping up we are in the third stage of grief – bargaining.
I am totally agree with you, Because now is the time of the fundamentals projects with high potentials will exlopde
crybocurrancy lol
UTRUST dont miss out
nobody uses crypto, banks are as fast as crypto.
100x long?
Thanks. Interesting as usual
I had bitwala account and they are not bitcoin business friendly, iam localbitcoins trader via Bank transfer and they lock our accounts so…..
Sunny we all know the next main stream kapump is gonna be big….
The site gives Bitcoin free https://www.hashleak.io/؟r=335462
i've witnessed the event that he's talking about , trying to contact u @sunnydecree about it but no response .
sonny say bullmarket? Ok, sell now.
For me it seems like you life in a bullish bubble. BUT, be honest, what usecase does bitcoin have right now, or in future? Correct, no usecase, its just good for trading, and thats all we all do here, just like everybody else.
All my investments going down
I was trusting people like u
And I lost
Never again
Hey Sunny, vllt machst du mal ein Video über Coinbase in Zusammenhang mit dem Brexit, denk das betrifft auch einige hier!
Schönes Sonntag !
Hi, wo hast du den Löwen gekauft? Sieht geil aus
Almost everyone knows about Bitcoin by now, but no one cares. Even people who have been in it for years still think it's a speculative asset. I've been through so many technological changes and missed out investing in all of them. I'm not missing out on Bitcoin! ???
Unsubscribed to 5. So called bitcoin analyst….they all talked in circles each and every video..which was a joke over time..sunny ..ur the only one i have on my subscribed list…so my compliments to ur knowledge nd how u think outside the box..is always refreshing ..thank you
For me is very easy buy Btc but very hard sell it.
blah blah bitcoin huge,… you can keep saying that for 20 years
We will stay in this cycle until the mainstream people have the demand for BTC. They don't know they need it because no one is effectively advertising it. What is the hold up? All of your big 500 companies must advertise and a huge scale. Where is the crypto industry on this?? Anyone?
Siiiiiimetrical triangle is how you pronounce it like the word "his" not Simetrical like the word "like"
Probably best to put a question mark after that title