You called it a re-release of a PS3 classic when it was also released on Xbox 360
and a ps vita release?
happy 8,8 day for everyone
It was a brilliant game when I played it. Maybe we'll get a sequal after this now
PC Port pls.
Why did the original get a better score than the remake
I fspped to those waifus
Nice video ign
I love this game so much!
8.8 again? Get a better review system, please.
Censorship reset culture
New record, new record new record nerecord nercord nerord nerd.
Catherine: Full NUTT
Vincent Brooks:???
This game was incredible and such a joy to play before. We’ve waited this long for a new version, and it’s completely worth it. Do yourself a favor and buy the game. If you don’t want it full price, wait for a sale
And I thought it was going to get like a 7 or lower.
Just give it a nine 8.8 shouldn't exist
This is the hardest game this generation and last.. I don’t want to see people brag about beating Sekiero or souls game when you probably couldn’t beat this on normal
It's a TRAP
I always used this nomenclature for the characters:
Katherine = Kathy Catherine = Cat
"Is it coming to NSW?"
I wonder
This Game Made Me so Confused!!! ???
The beginning of this video is basically "when u nut but she keeps sucking"
This game was a lesson of life when i played. The story is so relatable that every decision i made with vincent i could see the parallels with my own life. One of the most mature and heartwarming stories i ever witness.
I’m always choosing the succubus Catherine over that boring control freak Catherine
It really makes you feel like a guy with commitment issues. Wait a sec…
ResetEra still yelling about the game even though they censored it to suit their tastes. Because you literally can't give in without them punching you endlessly.
Still haven't gotten this for my PS3
You called it a re-release of a PS3 classic when it was also released on Xbox 360
and a ps vita release?
happy 8,8 day for everyone
It was a brilliant game when I played it. Maybe we'll get a sequal after this now
PC Port pls.
Why did the original get a better score than the remake
I fspped to those waifus
Nice video ign
I love this game so much!
8.8 again? Get a better review system, please.
Censorship reset culture
New record, new record new record nerecord nercord nerord nerd.
Catherine: Full NUTT
Vincent Brooks:???
This game was incredible and such a joy to play before. We’ve waited this long for a new version, and it’s completely worth it. Do yourself a favor and buy the game. If you don’t want it full price, wait for a sale
And I thought it was going to get like a 7 or lower.
Just give it a nine 8.8 shouldn't exist
This is the hardest game this generation and last.. I don’t want to see people brag about beating Sekiero or souls game when you probably couldn’t beat this on normal
It's a TRAP
I always used this nomenclature for the characters:
Katherine = Kathy
Catherine = Cat
"Is it coming to NSW?"
I wonder
This Game Made Me so Confused!!! ???
The beginning of this video is basically "when u nut but she keeps sucking"
It has a little something for everyone.
So, I heard you like traps..?
2:49 LOL
It's a trap
Catherine is such a Great game. Atlus just makes great Story Games
You forgot to mention the most important part: it has japanese audio. No more disgusting murican dubs for me!
Fite me! (ง'̀-'́)ง
Katherine with the K, Catherine with the C and now Qatherine with the Q.
Another 8.8 lol
Perfect game
4:45 Great 8.8
(Gasps)Finally. I was looking for this.
This game was a lesson of life when i played. The story is so relatable that every decision i made with vincent i could see the parallels with my own life. One of the most mature and heartwarming stories i ever witness.
I’m always choosing the succubus Catherine over that boring control freak Catherine
It really makes you feel like a guy with commitment issues. Wait a sec…
ResetEra still yelling about the game even though they censored it to suit their tastes. Because you literally can't give in without them punching you endlessly.
A perfect game to play with your family
Is it better than the first one
Rin’s story is quite out of place.