It also has a graphic card inside that lew. Watch the AGM u will understand what they have really want in India. Its uploaded on utube
Literally Lew… We do have Fiber before JIO with similar rates in regions !! But the main point is JIO added other bonus plus an increase in the connectivity area regarding the wifi !!
no tvvvv
omfg india here i come! 100 mbps for $10
Love from India??????????????
For 100 Mbps we pay 400 aed In Dubai which is 7000 rupee or 108 dollars ?
RN I’m using it for free.
and also free subscription to most of the leading Premmium OTT applications
Lol, that’s literally the exact design of the old AirPort Extreme router
In Hungary, Europe 1gig bandwith is 15 bucks/month. They deliver it via optical cables. Crazy prices in Canada tho :O
USA is shit
You forgot the jio console bro.
Jio is the Boss
100 MBPS is not new ACT fiber have it for 1000RS but what on earth is this free 4K tv???????? how
Jio.. This is the one of the many reasons why We are Proud to be an "INDIAN".
that thing reminds me of the Airport Extreme have
U forgot to tell about free Gaming Console…… Which they provide with Jio setop box & while at AGM (annual general meeting) their did a gaming demonstration…. They played FIFA jio setop box… Even more games are available in it very soon.. Even they partners with Tencent Gaming …. It's a tremendous …? Do u wan to see that demonstration….. ??
I got 3GB per day at $8 per 3 months, and get 3MBps speed
Proud to be INDIAN..
But can you use the soulja boy gaming console on it???
Other providers responded by cutting the fibre cables, quite literally. ?? There is a full fledged war going on in that industry ?
As of the launch,Set top box will be able to play games like Fifa & other AAA titles…& compatible with all types of controllers.
rename this channel "Lew on India" "India tech today"
Can you do a video on LiFi?
Very good deal but is it unlimited
It’s rupees btw ?
In Kenya cheapest fibre is $24-$29 for 5mbs….not so bad for streaming…. Relocating to Indian to get a 4K Tv ?
there's also first day first show offer in which the premium customers will get to watch movies in their TV the day it releases.
You guys are idiots!!!!! Its not, "everyone who signs up gets a 4k tv." Its, there is only 1 4k tv they are going to give away"
Austria here, 50mbit LTE (realistic 50mbit) for 30€
Also you need to know that in the beginning of Jio, it almost gave 1 year of free 4g VOLTE internet and all India calls to all the Indians by giving them free 4g sim & one person could take maximum 9 sims with valid Adhar card. After that introductory year they started to charge a very low fee like this – before jio we had to pay more than at least 28 times of what we pay now for just 1 GB of data. You get the point I guess. JIO = India's Digital Revolution. PERIOD.
I'm from India (Delhi-NCR) and my local internet provider charges me ₹700 ($10) for 100mbps unlimited up/down monthly.
Sky in the UK supply over 15,000 homes in York for £50ish
100 MBPS was the top plan in india until this point and only the rich could afford it. Now it starts at 100 Megs
One of my friends is doing the audit for a company who provides Generators to JIO. He told me that the company is shipping 20-30 generators daily for the past 1-2 years. This is the rate at the jio is expanding.
do not use it i have one but we get the internet speed only first 3 to 6 months… make a deep search on google you can understand about the company
Yah for 399rs we get 84 days of unlimited calls to local nd std free roaming nd unlimited 4g data 1.5 gb high speed nd aftr 1.5 gb we get upto 128 kbps unlimited internet
I thought the title said Lew Later on Jlo.
It also has a graphic card inside that lew. Watch the AGM u will understand what they have really want in India. Its uploaded on utube
Literally Lew… We do have Fiber before JIO with similar rates in regions !! But the main point is JIO added other bonus plus an increase in the connectivity area regarding the wifi !!
no tvvvv
omfg india here i come! 100 mbps for $10
Love from India??????????????
For 100 Mbps we pay 400 aed In Dubai which is 7000 rupee or 108 dollars ?
RN I’m using it for free.
and also free subscription to most of the leading Premmium OTT applications
Lol, that’s literally the exact design of the old AirPort Extreme router
In Hungary, Europe 1gig bandwith is 15 bucks/month. They deliver it via optical cables. Crazy prices in Canada tho :O
USA is shit
You forgot the jio console bro.
Jio is the Boss
100 MBPS is not new ACT fiber have it for 1000RS but what on earth is this free 4K tv???????? how
Jio.. This is the one of the many reasons why We are Proud to be an "INDIAN".
that thing reminds me of the Airport Extreme have
U forgot to tell about free Gaming Console……
Which they provide with
Jio setop box & while at AGM (annual general meeting) their did a gaming demonstration….
They played FIFA jio setop box…
Even more games are available in it very soon..
Even they partners with Tencent Gaming ….
It's a tremendous …?
Do u wan to see that demonstration….. ??
I got 3GB per day at $8 per 3 months, and get 3MBps speed
Proud to be INDIAN..
But can you use the soulja boy gaming console on it???
Other providers responded by cutting the fibre cables, quite literally. ?? There is a full fledged war going on in that industry ?
As of the launch,Set top box will be able to play games like Fifa & other AAA titles…& compatible with all types of controllers.
rename this channel "Lew on India" "India tech today"
Can you do a video on LiFi?

Very good deal but is it unlimited
It’s rupees btw ?
In Kenya cheapest fibre is $24-$29 for 5mbs….not so bad for streaming…. Relocating to Indian to get a 4K Tv ?
there's also first day first show offer in which the premium customers will get to watch movies in their TV the day it releases.
You guys are idiots!!!!! Its not, "everyone who signs up gets a 4k tv." Its, there is only 1 4k tv they are going to give away"
Austria here, 50mbit LTE (realistic 50mbit) for 30€
Also you need to know that in the beginning of Jio, it almost gave 1 year of free 4g VOLTE internet and all India calls to all the Indians by giving them free 4g sim & one person could take maximum 9 sims with valid Adhar card. After that introductory year they started to charge a very low fee like this – before jio we had to pay more than at least 28 times of what we pay now for just 1 GB of data. You get the point I guess. JIO = India's Digital Revolution. PERIOD.
I'm from India (Delhi-NCR) and my local internet provider charges me ₹700 ($10) for 100mbps unlimited up/down monthly.
Sky in the UK supply over 15,000 homes in York for £50ish
100 MBPS was the top plan in india until this point and only the rich could afford it. Now it starts at 100 Megs
One of my friends is doing the audit for a company who provides Generators to JIO. He told me that the company is shipping 20-30 generators daily for the past 1-2 years. This is the rate at the jio is expanding.
do not use it i have one but we get the internet speed only first 3 to 6 months… make a deep search on google you can understand about the company
Yah for 399rs we get 84 days of unlimited calls to local nd std free roaming nd unlimited 4g data 1.5 gb high speed nd aftr 1.5 gb we get upto 128 kbps unlimited internet