Proving Ground is the first end game piece of content revealed for Borderlands 3. Gearbox tell us all about it. Subscribe to IGN for more!
Proving Ground is the first end game piece of content revealed for Borderlands 3. Gearbox tell us all about it. Subscribe to IGN for more!
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This isn't new
So…no vault hunter mode??? Um…
really hope this isnt like diablo 3. rifts are the only real content and theres no real reason to go back and farm bosses. boss farming and the variety of different bosses and unique drops was a huge part of the fun of bl2.
I want to be a fan and play but they bullied shut down the biggest super fan and promoter of their game so not to sure gonna buy used so they don’t get my cash 2k are shitty bullies
Horrible choice of backround music. A guy talking about the game and heavy metal playing loud over him
A little concern I have, if the proving ground is always set to your level and you do a few games and say you go 3 levels above a recommended level in the story won't that cause the story to lose some of it's impact cause the harder parts could become easier?
I am aware like these are optional and if the way there is something else added that I have missed and makes my worry obsolete then my apolagese. Just thought i'd voice it out anyway.
Man april just can't come soon enough. So hyped to play
Lol once i mode my account ill be done in 5 mins not 30 ????
Sounds more or less like the arena fights from the previous games, but a bit more complex and more rewarding. Quite interesting, TBH.
Can't wait to get a green
My biggest question is what will keep us coming back once the story is done instead of waiting for DLC mini stories.
friggin' sweet lois
This is so the wait from Pre-Sequel. I'm delighted they spent time thinking of everything instead of rushing to complete something within a couple years. September 13th cant come fast enough!
1:59 and i op
Remember SupMatto
Would love to see legendarys that you can only get in the proving grounds as a mob drop and chest exclusive
So basically Sanctuary Onslaught in Warframe. Nice
What's the point in grinding for loot when you can cheat your way to the best possible drops with the eventual BL3 inventory and quest editor? I guess they never learned from the past two games.
To me this seems like a golden chest loot you have to work for(but better loot)
Reminds me Of Moxxi underdome in 1 but it’s not DLC ?
Are we all just gonna ignore that new alien robot thingy at 0:30 by the chest? Or do we already know what that is?
so D3 rifts or maps from PoE
BL3 or G5… Which one to buy 1st… Ahhh the dilemma!
The guy sounded like he was bored. Enthusiasm goes a long way.
Oh boy, I can't wait until 2020 to buy this!
weird way to say Digistruct Peak
Love the end game stuff too,i so can't wait for it
Is the element slag back or what?,I would really like if it had every element in every Borderlands games,fire shock corrosive slag and ice,all would be really welcomed in my book
Looks like level 50 is max
Looks very well polished, hope it lives up to the hype.
So petes bar or dome?
This is awesome but i hope they have farmable bosses like in the other games too
And apparently, there's more endgame stuff to do!
Looks like I’ll be stuck doing these for at least a year or two. ?????
so, leaderboards?
wish the number scaling was even crazier than BL2, it'll be easier balanced in this of course, but imagine getting up to like 100 billion HP :3 hope you can switch in the options from Classic to Newer damage scaling
its reminds me of grimdawn crucible mode
the amount of spastic destiny players in these comments omg
Cough*Destiny Strikes*Cough
This is so nice that they put this much thought into it. Like I'm 23 but I have a 4 year old son I raise alone. I can't always play for extended periods of time but having a a semi quick, no stress gamemode to do for that is perfect.
That mode is awesome
So basically Digistruct Peak?
So destiny strike. I’m down, just make the look meaningful and not a waste of time like getting two blues engrams in destiny.
Sooo raids
Raid on Digistruckt Peak?
I was thinking it was pvp ?
Am I the only one who is worried that they did little to no work on the bullet sponge problem of these games?