Borderlands 3: A Full Match of Proving Grounds Gameplay – IGN First IGN — August 19, 2019 31 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Watch an entire session of Proving Grounds gameplay in Borderlands 3. Subscribe to IGN for more! source ign game reviews Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Lol typical borderlands. Level 26 characters going against level 22 enemies. This is never the case when you actually play.
its like this person has never played borderlands before
My only question is if we can queue up for this specific game mode ?
The sound effects in this game are so much better when compared to Borderlands 1 & 2.
Dont shoot ya pets 3:24
Looks boring asf
cannot wait to play this!!
“I never had an itch so I can’t judge”
I like how he just ran away from the loot after spending 20 min on the last fight
5:12 is that a King of the Hill reference? Pocket rakks = pocket sand?
Looks fun.
I call this the bullet-sponge genre.
Can't wait to get Borderlands 3 on 2020!!!
Definitely excited for borderlands 3
Who else got the super deluxe edition
Flak with that clutch Super Badass Varkid pod takedown
So, you all want to support a company that threatens YouTubers? WTF man?
Enemies look to be a little spongy ??
Lol typical borderlands. Level 26 characters going against level 22 enemies. This is never the case when you actually play.
just release it
Proving something everyweek on my channel
I'm stoked for the game!!!!!! Huge borderlands fan
Its gona be boring
Why is this game not out yet
The crosshair not being in the centre of the screen is pissing me off
Finally. Now Half life 3, Fallout 3, Team Fortress 3, and Left 4 Dead 3 can be made.
Can’t wait to play this
Anyone who has pre-ordered this?
Yo! 2nd