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My favorite all foil was the gold premium boxes. Loved them
Raging tempest zodiac
Now I know that Fists of the Gadgets is my favorite. I've been adoring the Gadgets since the beginning. I've been hoping for their expansion since 2002.Thank you KONAMI.
Big fan of Spirit Warriors. Weather Painters and Magical Musketeers are both really fun and unique decks.
My favorite expansion set is Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge cause it is the set where I got really lucky when it comes to pulling off great value cards also it is the set where my favorite Topologic card (Topologic Gumblar Dragon) was released.
My favorite expansion set is Shadows of Valhalla. Valkyries are amazing. <3
My favorite so far has been duel power. Fire fists are now gonna be insane with these new and old cards!!!
My favorite expansion would have to be duel powers. Love the art work on the new reprints and especially getting the board artwork!
My favorite expansion set was battle legends hero revenge because for some reason the vision hero's were my favorite cards and I wanted a vision hero exclusive deck
Hands down Dragon of Legends Unleashed. Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon is fire! The YuGiOh Movie Pack Box is also amazing.
My favorite was battle of legend lights revenge because of it being basically a lightswarn structure deck (which was my favorite deck when i sarted playing) as well as the crystal wing reprint. The reprint of crystal wing made it easier for me to get.
My favourite set is spirit warriors
Talking about old cards that would be cool if Konami made some sets of cards to make a deck, is Battleguards.
Right now I only know three Battleguards, the first two and Battleguard King And Barbaric Feast spell for the first two.
I don’t think I ever won a giveaway
My favorite was hidden arsenal, trishula
Dragon of legend, love using dragon decks
Heroes revenge because of the support it has!
My favorite was spirit warroir.
I like this expansion
Hero's Revenge because of that Black Luster Soldier
Dark Saviors! This gadget set make take the cake though
HA4 Was hands down my favorite.
My favorite is Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge
My favorite all foli set is hidden summoners. Really loved the nephthys stuff in that set.
Definetly spirit warriors bringing back my samurais back to the game and enabling so many new crazy combos aswell as the magical musketeers deck is so much fun to play
i wont the box
Favorite exp set- Dark Saviors
I forgot the exact number, but my favorite expansion set has to be the hidden arsenal where the majority of the dragunity deck got they're holos I have really fond memories of the game at that Time.
Dupo, coz Nekroz are awesome
Duel power is my favourite due its wide spread of generic support it has in there
I've pulled more shadow of Valhalla packs than any other pack. I've always had good luck with the cards in that set! But this is probably going to take its spot because I'm needing me some subterror cards and true dracos real bad!
Lots of great cards, my favourite expansion of all foils is Shadows of Valhalla for the ninja's
Dragons of legend would be the favorite
For sure my favourite is duelist saga because it has in it all the cassic best cards, they are all so good
I think its, The Lights Revenge, set is my fave, not sure if its an expansion pack but its awesome.
My favorite set should be Hidden Arsenal 4 with just for Trishula
Legend og dragons 2
The Secret Forces is definitely the best expansion set being the first one and introducing three of my favorite decks to the game, the game breaking Nekroz centered around ritual summoning, "fusion" based archetype "Ritual" Beast and Yosenju a Pendulum/Bounce deck from the anime , this set also included cards which related to the Master Guide story-line which started back in hidden arsenal 1 which is a fantastic story if u read into it, this is only some of many reasons as to why i love The Secret Forces.
My favorite is Shadow of Valhalla
I really loved the Duelist Saga set, it reprints in that "New Ultra Rare Foiling" which I still think is so much better than the standard ultra rare foiling.
I think mine would be hidden arsenal beacause i mean trishula haha
Spirit warriors is my fav expansion set
My fav all foil set would have to be Battles Of Legend Lights Revenge because that set has a few cards that I needed to build my dark magician deck
My favorite expansion pack would have to be dark savors because I really liked pulling for sky striker cards with my friends
dark neostorm is great
Fists of The Gadgets is my favorite set. I have been waiting years to see fire fists get new support. They were the first deck I ever built in the game, and I am really hoping I will be able to build them again with the new support. The way they control their continuous spells is amazing, and not to mention the incredible artwork. Good luck on the card shop. I hope it all goes well, and I'm excited to see the end product!
My favorite all foil was the gold premium boxes. Loved them
Raging tempest zodiac
Now I know that Fists of the Gadgets is my favorite. I've been adoring the Gadgets since the beginning. I've been hoping for their expansion since 2002.Thank you KONAMI.
Big fan of Spirit Warriors. Weather Painters and Magical Musketeers are both really fun and unique decks.
My favorite expansion set is Battles of Legend: Relentless Revenge cause it is the set where I got really lucky when it comes to pulling off great value cards also it is the set where my favorite Topologic card (Topologic Gumblar Dragon) was released.
My favorite expansion set is Shadows of Valhalla. Valkyries are amazing. <3
My favorite so far has been duel power. Fire fists are now gonna be insane with these new and old cards!!!
My favorite expansion would have to be duel powers. Love the art work on the new reprints and especially getting the board artwork!
My favorite expansion set was battle legends hero revenge because for some reason the vision hero's were my favorite cards and I wanted a vision hero exclusive deck
Hands down Dragon of Legends Unleashed. Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon is fire!
The YuGiOh Movie Pack Box is also amazing.
My favorite was battle of legend lights revenge because of it being basically a lightswarn structure deck (which was my favorite deck when i sarted playing) as well as the crystal wing reprint. The reprint of crystal wing made it easier for me to get.
My favourite set is spirit warriors
Talking about old cards that would be cool if Konami made some sets of cards to make a deck, is Battleguards.
Right now I only know three Battleguards, the first two and Battleguard King And Barbaric Feast spell for the first two.
I don’t think I ever won a giveaway
My favorite was hidden arsenal, trishula
Dragon of legend, love using dragon decks
Heroes revenge because of the support it has!
My favorite was spirit warroir.
I like this expansion
Hero's Revenge because of that Black Luster Soldier
Dark Saviors! This gadget set make take the cake though
HA4 Was hands down my favorite.
My favorite is Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge
My favorite all foli set is hidden summoners. Really loved the nephthys stuff in that set.
Definetly spirit warriors bringing back my samurais back to the game and enabling so many new crazy combos aswell as the magical musketeers deck is so much fun to play
i wont the box
Favorite exp set- Dark Saviors
I forgot the exact number, but my favorite expansion set has to be the hidden arsenal where the majority of the dragunity deck got they're holos I have really fond memories of the game at that Time.
Dupo, coz Nekroz are awesome
Duel power is my favourite due its wide spread of generic support it has in there
I've pulled more shadow of Valhalla packs than any other pack. I've always had good luck with the cards in that set! But this is probably going to take its spot because I'm needing me some subterror cards and true dracos real bad!
Lots of great cards, my favourite expansion of all foils is Shadows of Valhalla for the ninja's
Dragons of legend would be the favorite
For sure my favourite is duelist saga because it has in it all the cassic best cards, they are all so good
I think its, The Lights Revenge, set is my fave, not sure if its an expansion pack but its awesome.
My favorite set should be Hidden Arsenal 4 with just for Trishula
Legend og dragons 2
The Secret Forces is definitely the best expansion set being the first one and introducing three of my favorite decks to the game, the game breaking Nekroz centered around ritual summoning, "fusion" based archetype "Ritual" Beast and Yosenju a Pendulum/Bounce deck from the anime , this set also included cards which related to the Master Guide story-line which started back in hidden arsenal 1 which is a fantastic story if u read into it, this is only some of many reasons as to why i love The Secret Forces.
My favorite is Shadow of Valhalla
I really loved the Duelist Saga set, it reprints in that "New Ultra Rare Foiling" which I still think is so much better than the standard ultra rare foiling.
I think mine would be hidden arsenal
beacause i mean trishula haha
Spirit warriors is my fav expansion set
My fav all foil set would have to be Battles Of Legend Lights Revenge because that set has a few cards that I needed to build my dark magician deck
My favorite expansion pack would have to be dark savors because I really liked pulling for sky striker cards with my friends
dark neostorm is great
Fists of The Gadgets is my favorite set. I have been waiting years to see fire fists get new support. They were the first deck I ever built in the game, and I am really hoping I will be able to build them again with the new support. The way they control their continuous spells is amazing, and not to mention the incredible artwork. Good luck on the card shop. I hope it all goes well, and I'm excited to see the end product!