Detective Pikachu gives great insight into the world of Pokemon through its fun mysteries and wonderful coffee-loving lead. Detective Pikachu – Solve Mysteries …
Detective Pikachu gives great insight into the world of Pokemon through its fun mysteries and wonderful coffee-loving lead. Detective Pikachu – Solve Mysteries …
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This game was so incredibly cheesy, it was hard to take the plot seriously
Bulshit this is a 3 at best
7.8 too little ryan renolds
I knew it
Pikachus a bloody digimon
This game has a higher review than the movie .-.
4/10-Ign Too much pokemon not enough detective
Great pokemon game?
Seems like a great gift for my 9 year old. Thanks for the review.
Say “detective pikachu” one more time, I dare you. ?
Hmm… So this is the original.
Wow the movie review is out already?
anyone else here after the movie trailer 2019 Detective
This is going to get some views now lol
you'll see it done again all right…
I'm here after seeing that trailer.
This would make a cool movie.
Whose came here after seeing detective pikachu movie trailer?
And now there's a movie
I’d give it a 8.3
lol who even buys this?
Too much pika not enough chu
The scenery and plot line is sorta similar to back to the future video game series.
This game looks fun
0 out of 10 no Danny Devito
Can’t wait for this game, now I just need to buy an ds
I got the game for my sister for her 10th birthday. She never really got into it so she said I could make a save for myself…I’m about an hour in and it’s…enjoyable…I mean, hearing The pikachu sound like a middle age drunk is the most entertaining part of the game. Gameplay is nothing special, story is meh, characters are…average Pokémon characters…but hey maybe the game will get better later on. 6.5/10
Hard boiled Pikachu
I didn't expect to see a dead, bloody Aipon in a Pokemon game lmfao
I heard ryan renolds was supposed to be Pikatchu
Danny devito should have voiced pikachu
too much solving 4.9/10
I am annoyed to those who thought this game shouldn't had worked.
I am annoyed at those who thought it was weird for Pikachu to be talking.
I am annoyed with those who thought Pikachu shouldn't had a deep voice.
Have you morons heard of creativity and imagination? Because clearly you don't have any. The concept of this game is genius! If you still disagree, fine. You are entitled to your opinion.
I didn't see the review of IGN. So I am not talking about IGN. But still, I want to point out my frustration.
Too much mystery 7.3/10
No offence IGN but rate/support this better than ORAS makes you boring & lame zzzzz
8.2 too little water
This game was released on my birthday
This game is so boring. I feel that it's over rated. U have to only talk to everyone and every object your see and the game is completed. Lame..
HI IM MEIKO anybody gets that reference?
Gameplay is j7st looking for clues borinnnggg
Rewiew 6,2 okay