Continue your quest for survival and unlock a whole new chapter in the saga of ARK: Survival Evolved with the ARK: Genesis Season Pass. Subscribe to IGN for …
Continue your quest for survival and unlock a whole new chapter in the saga of ARK: Survival Evolved with the ARK: Genesis Season Pass. Subscribe to IGN for …
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I wish I liked this game but I spawn and die by raptors
Borderlands 2 0:50?
Cortana lives
Coming soon: ARK 76
Love the dlc so far , hate the fact that it doesnt tie in any way with the ending of extinction wich was a massive cliffhanger
Cortana, what are you doing there
So the ark has finally evolved huh
After 4k hours I'm fuckin done with ark
0:20 harambe
You can place your bets here.
You can bet on the possibility of it releasing broken or actually playable.
Can’t wait to start a new character and play for a couple days only to have all I’ve worked towards destroyed while I’m not even on by some super big no life tribe
This game is having an identity crisis… Again.
can play it on highest graphics but when you start farming everything freezes.
after atlas they are still trying to sell this?
Any else miss the when the game first came out and no one had Tek gear or bases, you just had stone, wood and metal. i miss those simpler times.
But you can't reach 60 fps…..
From dinos to pacific rim to halo
who doesn't like new thing, just not buy this dlc then go back to old world and do not complain
This game is so broken it’s not even funny
Great Work Ark Devs
This game looks amazing
Genises the new fancy title in 2019?
Avengers: Final Game
Cortana done lost her mind
Anyone else think that the HLN-A pet reminds them about your Ghost from the Destiny series?
Guilty spark up to his old tricks
sweeeeeeet I want that 4 armed werewolf looks so awesome
So we got to buy another season pass again after I spent 50$ on the other one
I dont need a new map or content anymore. I want the maps to be optimize alrdy. I prob wont be able to get those energy swords and that lava salamander anyways.
I remember there was DLC planned where you played as the animals at one point, then it got canceled and I lost all interest
Time to reinstall ark
What even is this game at this point?
Shame it still runs like dogshit
It came from survival to destiny 2
Before releasing the DLC can fix the game first ?please
Can you just make primal survival
When the trailer is better than the actual game.
When they Announce a new Game but they did not finish Atlas.
When they Announce a new Game but they did not optimize Ark.
Don’t buy this scammy bugged that would never be complete game.