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About the Author: IGN


  1. im glad i got this game last friday;its a great game;i was waiting to get this game for quite sometime because i was kind of upset that monster hunter switched to Nintendo instead of Playsation but since monst hunter world is on ps4 and xb1 also pc now its time i tried the 3ds version of it i have the ps4 version as well and i love that version to both the 3ds and ps4 versions are great ^_^

  2. The miniscule dialogue and item text completely ruins this game. It's virtually unplayed able when you can't decipher where to go or what to do. I bought this game and I should be able to read the text on a 66 inch HDTV, but for some reason it's so goddamn small that I actually have to squint and get close to the screen in order to read it. Not really what I consider a good time. I'd really like to know what they were thinking with that choice. I mean other similar games seem to have gotten it right, why couldn't they?

  3. Ridiculous armor: Strike number one
    12 WEAPONS (stupid): Strike number two
    Cheesy BBQ music: Alright that's it! Dislike

    Oh and 8.8: here is a big ? for you

  4. I hope this footage is from the 3DS and not the Wii U, as the graphics are garbage. Also, this is an absolutely terrible review….you told your audience NOTHING about the type of game this is or the general play structure it uses. All I got from it was there are monster fights and mini-games. You seemed to assume the audience knows the MH series already (I don't).

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